I am fairly new to FPGA/Hardware design, so pardon if the question isn't appropriate for this forum. This question is pertaining to approaches available for automating validation of testing any combinational circuit in a synthesized implementation. I will try to explain it with an example Say i have verilog module called ADD designed to add two numbers. Code for same is attached. Now as i understand, there are two methods with which i could validate the verilog module designed. They are using A. Simulation B. Synthesis. For simulation purpose, i have used icarus verilog and created a test module that would instantiate the adder module and feed it various values and check the result with values computed. This is just provided for an illustration. Obviously for different circuits the test bench and testing method on simulation would vary. Now for synthesized implementation, i am planning to use Xilinx FPGA. As i understand, we cannot use timing controls like #1 in the synthesized implementation. One approach, i could think of is creating a Look up table contain all test cases input and expected output and have it as part of the design. Run a counter and use the LSB bits of the counter to decide the test input for a given clock and check the output, in the event of difference, write into a flip flop whose output would be used to turn-off a LED. Thus i could check whether the design has passed all the test conditions provided based on LED output status. I am wondering if there are better approaches for performing validation of a synthesized implementation. For instance A. Is there a way by which say, test inputs are available in a PC and can be streamed and generated output can be fed back to a file in PC. B. Is there a way to mimic timing sequence control available in simulation and get tests done in synthesized implementation apart from using counters. As i am a newbie to this, i am wondering how is this problem tackled in general. Any links to reference material that i could read through would be highly appreciated.
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