Hello Guys, Wanted to know if it is possible to use the RaspberryPi with its included WLan to connect to a mysql database, I mean you can code the Raspberry with C++ so i think that should be possible to create a connection to a mysql (asking because not tested yet) So now to my real problem. I wanted to use a NFC Reader to read an NFC Tag/Card and Phone so far i used the RC522 and the NXP PN532 from Elechouse the problem now is both could find a tag/card but both couldnt find a Phone that used NFC (Samsung S5). So I wanted to know if it´s even possible to read from a phone. What i wanted to do is read the nfc number from a phone/tag/card then save it to a database and the next time the same number appears it shows something like already in database. So i think the problem here is just the NFC part, because the Raspberry Pi supports Phyton C/C++ so the database thing shouldnt be a problem Regards
Doing mySQL stuff over network is fairly easy. You will find lots of sample code online. If you're using the PN532, reading the phone's ID should be working. Try this library https://github.com/Seeed-Shield/NFC_Shield_DEV RC522 is Mifare RFID only! Your phone can't communicate with it.
Hello, as we are discussing the NFC for scanning mobile phone are used to bypass the firewall and allow you to access media resources that are normally blocked. The best thing about these features is that many times, they will work even when your app isn't open. This can be especially cool if you want to make sure nobody else is using a family member's device. https://veepn.com/vpn-apps/vpn-for-ios/ use with proxy servers to prevent the web traffic from being intercepted and the surfer's identity being revealed to an 3rd party. It is a great way to bypass the government censorship but this device.
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