hi,i wrote a common bus(8 bit)with 4 registers and simple alu.registers r0,r1 and r3 inputs directly are connected to bus but r2 to alu out.the alu inputs are connected to r1 r2 outputs. all for registers output via muxs are connected to bus and then consequently write the testbench for this code as follow: library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; -- instead off two past sentenses you are authorized for using use ieee.numeric_std.all; entity comm_bus is port(r0_in,r1_in,r3_in:inout std_logic_vector(0 to 7); --r2_in is not needed because we use from alu_out r0_out,r1_out,r2_out,r3_out:inout std_logic_vector(0 to 7); -- registers input & output must be identified inout and you dont have any way r0_clr,r1_clr,r2_clr,r3_clr:in std_logic; clk:in std_logic; r0_ld,r1_ld,r2_ld,r3_ld:in std_logic; opr:in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); sel:in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); bus_8bit:inout std_logic_vector(0 to 7)); end comm_bus; -- for alu operation & selection mechanism we wana use from interface signals----------- architecture behavioral of comm_bus is signal alu_arm1,alu_arm2,alu_out:std_logic_vector(0 to 7); --signal opr:std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); --signal sel:std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); begin process(clk) begin if (rising_edge(clk)) then if (r0_clr='0') then r0_out<=(others=>'0'); end if; if (r1_clr='0') then r1_out<=(others=>'0'); end if; if (r2_clr='0') then r2_out<=(others=>'0'); end if; if (r3_clr='0') then r3_out<=(others=>'0'); end if; end if; end process; process(clk) begin if (rising_edge(clk)) then if (r0_ld='1') then r0_out<=r0_in; end if; if (r1_ld='1') then r1_out<=r1_in; end if; if (r2_ld='1') then r2_out<=alu_out; --alu_out directly transfer to r2_out end if; if (r3_ld='1') then r3_out<=r3_in; end if; end if; end process; r0_in<=bus_8bit; r1_in<=bus_8bit; r3_in<=bus_8bit; -- please attention r2 register input directly is connected to alu output process(sel) begin case sel is when "00" => bus_8bit<=r0_out; when "01" => bus_8bit<=r1_out; when "10" => bus_8bit<=r2_out; when "11" => bus_8bit<=r3_out; when others => null; end case; end process; alu_arm1<=r1_out; alu_arm2<=r2_out; with opr select alu_out<=alu_arm1 + alu_arm2 when "000", alu_arm1 - alu_arm2 when "001", alu_arm1 and alu_arm2 when "010", alu_arm1 or alu_arm2 when "011", alu_arm1 nand alu_arm2 when "100", alu_arm1 xor alu_arm2 when "101", not alu_arm1 when "110", not alu_arm2 when "111", "--------" when others; end behavioral; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; ----------------------------------------------------------------- entity top_module_comm_bus is end top_module_comm_bus; ----------------------------------------------------------------- architecture testbench of top_module_comm_bus is constant t:time:=20 ns; constant d:integer:=4; constant dd:integer:=200; signal r0_in,r1_in,r3_in:std_logic_vector(0 to 7); signal r0_out,r1_out,r2_out,r3_out:std_logic_vector(0 to 7); signal bus_8bit:std_logic_vector(0 to 7); signal opr:std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); signal sel:std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); signal r0_clr,r1_clr,r2_clr,r3_clr:std_logic; signal r0_ld,r1_ld,r2_ld,r3_ld:std_logic; signal clk:std_logic; begin uut: entity work.comm_bus(behavioral) port map(r0_in=>r0_in,r1_in=>r1_in, r3_in=>r3_in,r0_out=>r0_out,r1_out=>r1_out,r2_out=>r2_out,r3_out=>r3_out , r0_clr=>r0_clr,r1_clr=>r1_clr,r2_clr=>r2_clr,r3_clr=>r3_clr, r0_ld=>r0_ld,r1_ld=>r1_ld,r2_ld=>r2_ld,r3_ld=>r3_ld,clk=>clk, bus_8bit=>bus_8bit, opr=>opr, sel=>sel); -- 20 ns clock is running forever process begin clk<='0'; wait for t/2; clk<='1'; wait for t/2; end process; --clear all of registers and then released them --process --begin --r0_clr<='0'; --r1_clr<='0'; --r2_clr<='0'; --r3_clr<='0'; --r0_ld<='0'; --r1_ld<='0'; --r2_ld<='0'; --r3_ld<='0'; --wait for d*t; --r0_clr<='1'; --r1_clr<='1'; --r2_clr<='1'; --r3_clr<='1'; --wait; --end process; r0_clr<='0','1' after t; r1_clr<='0','1' after t; r2_clr<='0','1' after t; r3_clr<='0','1' after t; r0_ld<='1','0' after t; r1_ld<='1','0' after t; r2_ld<='1','0' after t; r3_ld<='1','0' after t; -- now for example we have two numbers one of them in r1 and another one in r2 -- at first we add them and put result in r0 and again do some logical operation -- on two registers r1 and r2 and this time put the result in r3 process begin wait for d*d*t; bus_8bit<="10011100"; wait for t; r1_ld<='1'; wait for t; r1_ld<='0'; opr<="000"; wait for t; r2_ld<='1'; wait for t; r2_ld<='0'; wait for t; sel<="10"; wait for t; sel<="--"; r0_ld<='1'; wait for t; r0_ld<='0'; wait for t; opr<="010"; wait for t; r2_ld<='1'; wait for t; r2_ld<='0'; wait for t; sel<="10"; wait for t; sel<="--"; wait for t; r3_ld<='1'; wait for t; r3_ld<='0'; wait for dd*d*t; end process; end testbench;
maybe there is more response if you also add a question :) Additionally, format your code [vhdl]
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