Hello everybody, I am just wondering over a topic that keeps me busy, the periodical link design. The question is if a Raman amplifiers should be deployed at the begin or at the end of a section sonsiting of SSMF, DCF and amplifier?
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A lot of abbreviations... You will get more answers when you explain what its all about. Ok, a Raman amplifier is used for optical cables https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raman_amplification DCF seems to be "Double-clad fiber" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double-clad_fiber and SSMF is Standard-Singlemode-Fiber https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lichtwellenleiter https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Single-mode_optical_fiber In radio frequency technology a preamplifier should be the first stage after the antenna to avoid additional noise. But there might be strong out-of band signals that need to be suppressed before the amplifier by band pass filtering.
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At the end of the link shining backwards into the fiber. That way you can get a nearly lossless link and you don't have overly strong nonlinearities at the beginning of the link.
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