Hi, I would like to use the MicroBlaze performance monitoring engine to collect some information on my application code running on the processor itself. I would need these information at application level. I have a problem to access these values. In order to do these things, I have created a project with MicroBlaze and extended debug function, with 5 event counters and 1 latency counter. Then I have inserted a MDM in my design and created an AXI4lite slave port to access from MicroBlaze itself. In this mode I should be able to access to internal performance monitoring engine by using DBG_CTRL and DBG_DATA registers indicated to page 12 of pg115 (MDM product guide), with values indicated on page 92 of MB reference guide (version 2015.04). Suppose I need to measure number of any valid executed instruction, I have wrote the code attached to this post. The problem happens when I perform the read from *dbg_data: the read action on this variable does not give any response. The register pointed by variable is R/W. Do you have any suggestion about this wrong behaviour? Thank you.
Try to define your *dbg_data as volatile. Duke
Hi, thank you for the suggestion. I have tried and the behaviour is the same. The problem is the AXI engine under the AXI4slave peripheral (in this case, the microblaze debug module): it does not answer to a request. In the previous post, I have indicated that the problem is the read action from *dbg_data. By making a simulation, it appears that the problem also happens during an AXI write on *dbg_data memory area. More specifically, considering attached file, and focusing on MDM section, it can be noted that a write on address 41400010 (the content of dbg_ctrl variable) happens correctly, because there is a READY response from slave to a VALID transition. Then, there is a write on address 41400014 (the content of dbg_data variable): there is no READY response. The above first two writes are related to the first lines of the code: *dbg_ctrl=0x4a404; *dbg_data=1; This causes a block in the application execution, because following AXI guidelines, if a master issues a request to write and raises up the VALID signal, it must wait the READY response from slave. So without READY answering, the master is blocked. Do you have other suggestion? Thank you, Giacomo
In case someone is interested in a solution, just like me looking through some old posts trying to fix my bugs... you need to unlock the register access by writing the "magic value" into the lock register (adress: 0x41400018). according to the manual (section debug register access sequence of MDM manual)this has to be the value 0xebab. then the access to the dbg_data-register should be granted.
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