Hello everyone! My task is to write an up counter, that counts how long is the input signal (in) in clock (clk) cycle units from 1 to 1023 (precision 1 clock cycle). When input signal (in) ends, there has to be signal on wire ready, which means that data are ready to read and the value from the counter is now avaliable on data output. This value stays there until the end of the next input signal. The whole project consists of 3 sequential processes: falling edge detector, counter and output register. It has to be module with synchronous clock and asynchronous reset. My problem here is that I don't reset the counter when input signal ends. As an attachment I am posting my code for module and test bench. X.
Your problem is that the counter is free running, and not only when the input pulse is high. Eighter you make a pos-edge detector (in the same manner as the neg-edge) and reset the counter if the positive edge is detected. Or you reset the counter while the ready signal is present and you enable the count up only if the pulse is high: if (ready) begin on_out <= count; counter <= 10'b0; end for that you need to have the counter code and the ready code in the same always() block, you can not write to counter in two different blocks. BTW: The following is useless, the counter anyway rolls over from 1111111111 to 0000000000: if(count == 10'b1111111111) count <= 10'b0; It would make more sense to stop the counter on all ones, so a too long pulse will always show the longest possible time. Andi
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