Hello everyone. At the moment I am trying to create a maze game on a DE2-115 FPGA board. Here is a video showing what I am trying to replicate. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rNZkd0Rqhp8 So, how it works is that you first draw out any maze you want. You then assign rooms in the maze to any symbol or letter. These symbols correspond to the room you are in at any moment in the maze. Also, there are four push buttons. [up] [down] [left] [right] As you can tell these push buttons change your position to another symbol depending on what button you press. So, for example if you are in room X and then you press the [right] button, the LCD will display the room Y. So, you shifted from X --> Y. Right now, I just managed to get Verilog code working that sends characters to the LCD screen. Hence, my LCD on my board the moment just display [ Room: X ] I'm wondering if you guys can help me figure out code that will allow me to change that letter "X" to any other letter depending on the button I push. This is the code I have so far: always @ (posedge clk) begin count <= count + 1; case (count[k+7:k+2]) 0: lcd_code <= 6'b000010; // function set 1: lcd_code <= 6'b000010; 2: lcd_code <= 6'b001100; 3: lcd_code <= 6'b000000; // display on/offcontrol 4: lcd_code <= 6'b001100; 5: lcd_code <= 6'b000000; // display clear 6: lcd_code <= 6'b000001; 7: lcd_code <= 6'b000000; // entry mode set 8: lcd_code <= 6'b000110; 9: lcd_code <= 6'h25; // R 10: lcd_code <= 6'h22; 11: lcd_code <= 6'h26; // o 12: lcd_code <= 6'h2F; 13: lcd_code <= 6'h26; // o 14: lcd_code <= 6'h2F; 15: lcd_code <= 6'h26; // m 16: lcd_code <= 6'h2D; 17: lcd_code <= 6'h23; // : 18: lcd_code <= 6'h2A; 19: if (buttonRight) // if buttonRight = 1 lcd_code <= 6'h25; //send higher value of "X" else // if buttonRight = 0 lcd_code <= 6'h25;// send higher value of "R" 20: if (buttonRight) // If buttonright = 1 lcd_code <= 6'h28; // send lower value of "X" else // if buttonRight = 0 lcd_code <= 6'h22; // send lower value of "R" 21: count <= 7; default: lcd_code <= 6'b010000; endcase if (lcd_rw) lcd_busy <= 0; lcd_stb <= ^count[k+1:k+0] & ~lcd_rw & lcd_busy; // clkrate/2^(k+2) lcd_stuff <= {lcd_stb,lcd_code}; {lcd_e,lcd_rs,lcd_rw,lcd_7,lcd_6,lcd_5,lcd_4} <= lcd_stuff; end This is pretty simple code that initalizes the LCD screen and makes the LCD screen output the word "Room: " Then on line 19, it checks the push button to see if its pressed, if it is then send the letter "X" if not send the letter "R" The part of the code from line 19 and 20 is just something I made up that doesn't really work as I intend. To summarize my question, I'm just trying to display characters on the LCD Screen and have them change depending on one of the push buttons thats pressed. Any feedback is appreciated.
Yes, I later did add a debouncing module and it helped with changing the symbols. I kind of changed my code, so now I added a counter that increases by one every time the push button is pressed (positive edge of the push button). I made a case statement case (counter) 0: lcd display A 1: lcd display B etc.. This kind of works but it just makes you move across different letters sequentially. I still am trying to figure out how to move for example in 4 directions. What I mean is have it so that the letter B will change to 4 different letters depending if you press up, down, left, right. Right now I just have it going to C when you push the right button. Thanks for the feedback though. :)
Make an array of rooms (of the lcd codes). Write the first n rooms of a horizontal row into the array, then the next n of the next horizontal row and so on. Then you have an array of rooms with the index 0..n-1 first row, n..2*n-1 second row and so on. Initialize your actual_index with 0. Always print the array(actual_index). On button push, increment/decrement the actual_index. When pressing button right/left, calculate +/-1, when pressing down/up +/-n. Mind the wrap at the borders of the maze and the valid number range of your index when you calculate it. This solution is neither perfect in resource usage nor in flexibility but it is a starting point.
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