Disclaimer: I'm newbie in vhdl. I'm working on an assignment that aims for creating a logical processor that makes bit logical operations on 8-bit operands. Unfortunately I'm lost when it comes to connecting bits of the project and I can't move forward due to that, as vhdl is a dark territory for me. Could someone help me connecting the parts of this processor so I can move forward? Below blocks with IO and their purpose described: List of blocks: register_block steering_block calc_block router display 1. Whole processor block: INs: CLK - clock RST - reset EXEC - execution of calculations LOAD_A - load into Reg_A particular bit from DATA LOAD_B - load into Reg_B particular bit from DATA DATA <7:0> OUTs: Seg <6:0> - seven-segment display (with active '0') Anod <3:0> - bits for another 4 displays working similarly to Seg LED <7:0> - bits for diodes' steering 2. steering block: ins: CLK, RST, EXEC, LOAD_A, LOAD_B Exec is a rising edge that starts the counting sequence and all the data thrown at Exec while its working is being ignored. outs: random variable that, based on set logic, decides when to load data from DATA and when to shift what's loaded on registers 3. register_block includes 2x 8-bit register, named REGISTER_A and REGISTER_B outs: LED Here i've also got some problems with creating proper logic for these registers; they're both shift registers and i know how to set it up, but I have no idea how to program that they send 1 bit of data starting from the youngest bit when EXEC is active. 4. calc_block Here's another problem - out of the blue in the description of my task i've got info that this block executes logical operation based on F<2:0> (I've got necessary data to fill F with it) but it also says its the result of L_AB and i don't know whether i should take it as the result of shifting data between registers or not. 5. Router It returns info to the register_block - I have no idea how to implement this in my project. The whole description goes like that: it takes signals A and B and the result of L_AB and sends to register_block signals New_A and New_B based on the selection of R<1:0> 6. Display It's just a standard seven-seg display with a dynamic display for thousands, hundreds, tens and ones. Summing up, I'm getting lost around while working on points 3 to 5. Thanks in advance, I believe that just a bit of explanation for points 3 to 5 and some kind of a block diagram presenting connections between particular blocks would be more than enough for me to finish that project.
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