I am using GNU version 4.7 with following link options: --relax -Xld -nostdlib --gc-sections -Xld --cref -Xld --whole-archive my issue is the linker is not removing unused strings from printf() functions that are unused in the file. I have tried removing the --relax and --whole-archive without any results to this issue. Example file included in build: functionIncludedInLink { printf("THIS SHOULD BE INCLUDED IN EXECUTATBLE "); } functionNOTIncludedInLink { printf("THIS SHOULD BE REMOVED BY LINKER"); } The issue is that after the file is compiled that includes both functions, constant data is grouped together. However, because functionNOTIncludedInLink is not used by the executable, it is removed by the linker, however, the linker is not removing the constant string data that was previously allocated by the compiler for the function ("THIS SHOULD BE REMOVED BY LINKER" remains in const data section). Are there any ld options that can be used to fix this issue? I do not want to have to eliminate all my unused functions from files to keep the constant data from getting compiled and linked into my executable.
Do you used the compiler flags -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections before???
Alternatively, use LTO (-flto). And consider upgrading to gcc 5.2.
I tried adding the compiler flags that were suggested: -fdata-sections -flto I a was already using -ffunction-sections but none of those options solved the problem. I think It is more of a linker issue and I haven't found an option so far that i will solve this issue. I will attempt to upgrade to 5.2 to see if that makes a difference or not. thanks for the suggestions.
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