Is it possible for FPGAs to communicate with each other through socket communication? I am thinking about integrating 8 or so FPGAs together. How would I go about doing that? If someone could link me to more information, it would be greatly appreciated!
Possible it most probably is. But your effort depends from where you start. As I understand, 'socket communication' is a higher (session) layer (software) concept. So if you start from scratch (which I think you want to do as you think about placing FPGAs), there is a lot to do, as you have to establish the lower layers on your FPGAs first (phy, link, network, transport). 'phy' could e.g. mean to think about how you intend to connect your '8 or so FPGA', i.e. how many physical data lines you have between them and how they are shared. Of course you shouldn't do that without having thought of higher layers, too. Maybe the concept of link, network and transport is already predefined, if not work up the layer stack...
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