Hello all, I want to implement some trigonometric functions such as sinus, cosinus, tan and arctan. So my question is what's be best way to do that? I can't find a concrete example of how this kind of function. Can you give me please some links or samples to start? Thanks for any help. Best regards
In german and for AVRs: https://www.mikrocontroller.net/articles/AVR_Arithmetik/Sinus_und_Cosinus_%28CORDIC%29 https://www.mikrocontroller.net/articles/AVR_Arithmetik/Sinus_und_Cosinus_%28Lineare_Interpolation%29
easy sinodial wave can be implemented also with tables. this is more quicker, is precision is needed, do the table first and look into it
the best way to solve this depends on the accuracy you want to achieve. You cant just implement a LUT for every function without extra RAM/ROM. If i would be you, i would use CORDIC. But be careful, for arcsin such as arcos you will need double rotation CORDIC because. A recommend andrakas "A survey of Cordic" for better understanding of CORDIC
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