1 | #include <stdint.h>
2 | #include <stdio.h>
3 | #include <string.h>
4 | #include <stdbool.h>
5 |
6 | // 0123456789AB
7 | char S1[17] = {"Hello World"}; //max 16 char availabel!
8 | char S2[17] = {""}; //Midstr
9 | char S3[17] = {""}; //Upper-/Lowercase
10 | char S4[17] = {"Wo"}; //Instring
11 | char Tempstr[17];
12 |
13 | uint8_t x;
14 | uint8_t position;
15 |
16 | /* LeftStr returns the leftmost characters of a string
17 | Input:
18 | char *dst ==> pointer to the destination string
19 | char *src ==> pointer to the source string
20 | uint8_t dstsize ==> buffer size of the destination string
21 | uint8_t length ==> number of characters to extract. (1...n)
22 | Output:
23 | Pointer to the destination string
24 | */
25 | char * LeftStr(char *dst, char *src, uint8_t dstsize, uint8_t length) {
26 | if (length > (dstsize - 1)) { length = dstsize - 1; }
27 |
28 | strncpy(dst, src, length);
29 | dst[length] = '\0'; // zero terminate
30 |
31 | return dst;
32 | }
33 |
34 | /* MidStr extracts a number of characters from a string
35 | Input:
36 | char *dst ==> pointer to the destination string
37 | char *src ==> pointer to the source string
38 | uint8_t dstlen ==> buffer size of the destination string
39 | uint8_t start ==> starting position within the source string. (First position is 1)
40 | uint8_t length ==> number of characters to extract. (1...n)
41 | Output:
42 | Pointer to the destination string
43 | */
44 | char * MidStr(char *dst, char *src, uint8_t dstsize, uint8_t start, uint8_t length) {
45 | if (length > (dstsize - 1)) { length = dstsize - 1; }
46 |
47 | if (start > 0) { start--; } //call starts at 1..., internal start is 0...
48 |
49 | if (start > (strlen(src) - 1)) {
50 | dst[0] = '\0'; // out of range
51 | }
52 | else {
53 | strncpy(dst, src + start, length);
54 | dst[length] = '\0'; // zero terminate
55 | }
56 | return dst;
57 | }
58 |
59 | /* RightStr returns the rightmost characters of a string
60 | Input:
61 | char *dst ==> pointer to the destination string
62 | char *src ==> pointer to the source string
63 | uint8_t dstlen ==> string length of the destination string
64 | uint8_t length ==> number of characters to extract. (1...n)
65 | Output:
66 | Pointer to the destination string
67 | */
68 | char * RightStr(char *dst, char *src, uint8_t dstsize, uint8_t length) {
69 | if (length > (dstsize - 1)) { length = dstsize - 1; }
70 |
71 | strncpy(dst, src + strlen(src) - length, length);
72 | dst[length] = '\0'; // zero terminate
73 |
74 | return dst;
75 | }
76 |
77 | /* UpperCase converts characters a..z to A..Z
78 | Input:
79 | char *dst ==> pointer to the destination string
80 | char *src ==> pointer to the source string
81 | uint8_t dstlen ==> string length of the destination string
82 | Output:
83 | Pointer to the destination string
84 | */
85 | char * UpperCase(char * dst, char * src, uint8_t dst_len) {
86 | uint8_t srclen;
87 |
88 | srclen= strlen(src);
89 | if ( (dst_len + 1) < srclen) srclen = dst_len; //ensure available space
90 | strncpy(dst, src, srclen); //copy max l_puffer bytes from src to dst
91 | dst[srclen + 1] = '\0';
92 | strupr(dst);
93 | return dst;
94 | }
95 |
96 | /* LowerCase converts characters A..Z to a..z
97 | Input:
98 | char *dst ==> pointer to the destination string
99 | char *src ==> pointer to the source string
100 | uint8_t dstlen ==> string length of the destination string
101 | Output:
102 | Pointer to the destination string
103 | */
104 | char * LowerCase(char * dst, char * src, uint8_t dst_len) {
105 | uint8_t srclen;
106 |
107 | srclen= strlen(src);
108 | if ( (dst_len + 1) < srclen) srclen = dst_len; //ensure available space
109 | strncpy(dst, src, srclen); //copy max l_puffer bytes from src to dst
110 | dst[srclen + 1] = '\0';
111 | strlwr(dst);
112 | return dst;
113 | }
114 |
115 | /* InString looks for the occurrence of a substr in the source string
116 | Input:
117 | char *dst ==> pointer to the destination string
118 | char *src ==> pointer to the source string
119 | uint8_t sourcesize ==> buffer size of the source string
120 | uint8_t start ==> starting position within the source string. (First position is 1)
121 | bool CaseSensitive ==> true or false
122 | Output:
123 | Position of the first occurrence (1...)
124 | 0 = not found
125 | */
126 | uint8_t InStr(char *source, char *substr, uint8_t sourcesize, uint8_t start, bool CaseSensitive) {
127 | uint8_t position;
128 | char* subs;
129 | char* src;
130 | char* found;
131 |
132 | if (start > 0) { start--; } //call starts at 1..., internal start is 0...
133 | if (start > sourcesize - 2) { //string length - \0 - 1
134 | position = 0; //illegal starting position
135 | }
136 | else {
137 | if (CaseSensitive) {
138 | found = strstr(source, substr);
139 | if (found != 0) {
140 | position = found - source; //strstr returns NULL if item not found
141 | }
142 | else {position = 0; }
143 | }
144 | else {
145 | src = malloc(sourcesize);
146 | memcpy(src, source + start, sourcesize - start);
147 |
148 | subs = malloc(strlen(substr) + 1);
149 | memcpy(subs, substr, strlen(substr) + 1);
150 |
151 | strupr(src);
152 | strupr(subs);
153 |
154 | found = strstr(src, subs);
155 | if (found != 0) {
156 | position = found + start - src; // strstr returns NULL if item not found
157 | }
158 | else {position = 0; }
159 |
160 | free(src);
161 | free(subs);
162 | }
163 | }
164 | return position + 1; //
165 | }
166 |
167 | /* PadString pads the destination string with a character
168 | Input:
169 | char *dst ==> pointer to the destination string
170 | char *src ==> pointer to the source string
171 | uint8_t destsize ==> buffer size of the destination string
172 | uint8_t start ==> starting position within the source string. (First position is 1)
173 | bool CaseSensitive ==> true or false
174 | Output:
175 | Position of the first occurrence
176 | */
177 | char * PadStr(char *dst, char *src, uint8_t dstsize, char padchar, bool padleft) { //left/Right pad with a character
178 | uint8_t srclen;
179 |
180 | srclen = strlen(src);
181 |
182 | if (srclen > (dstsize - 1)) { srclen = dstsize - 1; }
183 |
184 | if (padleft) {
185 | memset (dst, padchar, dstsize - srclen - 1); //insert padchar
186 | strncpy(dst + dstsize - srclen -1, src, srclen);
187 | }
188 | else {
189 | strncpy(dst, src, srclen);
190 | memset (dst + srclen, padchar, dstsize - srclen - 1); //insert padchar
191 | }
192 |
193 | dst[dstsize -1] = '\0';
194 | return dst;
195 | }
196 |
197 | int main(void) {
198 | LeftStr(S2, S1, sizeof(S2), 3); //==> "ell"
199 | MidStr(S2, S1, sizeof(S2), 2, 3); //==> "ll"
200 | RightStr(S2, S1, sizeof(S2), 3); //==> "rld"
201 | UpperCase(S3, S1, sizeof(S3)); //==> "HELLO WORLD"
202 | LowerCase(S3, S1, sizeof(S3)); //==> "hello world"
203 | PadStr(Tempstr, S1, sizeof(Tempstr), '>', true); //==> ">>>>>HELLO WORLD"
204 | PadStr(Tempstr, S1, sizeof(Tempstr), '>', false); //==> "HELLO WORLD>>>>>"
205 | x = InStr(S1, S4, sizeof(S1), 4, false); //==> 7
206 | }