Hi all, I have this ATXMEGA128A1 Xplained board and want to implement this for some noise control application. I plan to use fixed-point arithmetik with the largest system clock of the chip (32MHz). Let's say for this application I am using a sampling time of 1ms (sampling frequency 1kHz). By every sampling instant (every millisec) there are 100 32-bit fixed-point multiplications (with 32-bit integer) to be performed. Here is the question: How can I analyse whether the system clock of 32MHz is fast enough for these 100 fixed-point multiplication within 1ms? How many cycles does one 32-bit integer multiplication take? Since I did not find the information in the datasheet so I wonder whether someone could help me with that. Thank you very much! Xinyu
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Use a Timer starts with first multiplication and stops after last. Read out the Timer value...
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