Hi! I'm working on getting a single cycle arm processor to work on a FPGA chip. but I have a problem with just one line to get it work. I'm a beginner in vhdl and I'm just putting together prewritten code(from school). here is my problem: Y: std_logic A: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) B: std_logic C: std_logic Y <= ((and A) and B) or C; I dont understand what I'm anding A with. If I can get an understanding of the line, i can write a equivalent code to get it to work. -Håkon
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20296276/and-all-elements-of-an-n-bit-array-in-vhdl 2nd answer it looks like something new in VHDL-2008
thanks! I solved my problem. the solution was: Y<=((A(3) and A(2) and A(1) and A(0)) and B) or C
You can kick away some of the brackets: Y <= A(3) and A(2) and A(1) and A(0) and B or C;
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