
Forum: FPGA, VHDL & Verilog 32-to-1 multiplexer VHDL code simplification

von Zoltan P. (rasztanyul)

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This is a code from a program and I was wondering if there was a way to 
simplify it with a for loop?
Thank you for your help!

library IEEE;

package fuggveny1 is
  function multi321 (A,B : in std_logic_vector) return std_logic;
end fuggveny1;

package body fuggveny1 is
  function multi321 (A,B: in std_logic_vector) return std_logic is

    if B = "00000" then
      return A(0);
    elsif B = "00001" then
      return A(1);
    elsif B = "00010" then
      return A(2);
    elsif B = "00011" then
      return A(3);
    elsif B = "00100" then
      return A(4);
    elsif B = "00101" then
      return A(5);
    elsif B = "00110" then
      return A(6);
    elsif B = "00111" then
      return A(7);
    elsif B = "01000" then
      return A(8);
    elsif B = "01001" then
      return A(9);
    elsif B = "01010" then
      return A(10);
    elsif B = "01011" then
      return A(11);
    elsif B = "01100" then
      return A(12);
    elsif B = "01101" then
      return A(13);
    elsif B = "01110" then
      return A(14);
    elsif B = "01111" then
      return A(15);
    elsif B = "10000" then
      return A(16);
    elsif B = "10001" then
      return A(17);
    elsif B = "10010" then
      return A(18);
    elsif B = "10011" then
      return A(19);
    elsif B = "10100" then
      return A(20);
    elsif B = "10101" then
      return A(21);
    elsif B = "10110" then
      return A(22);
    elsif B = "10111" then
      return A(23);
    elsif B = "11000" then
      return A(24);
    elsif B = "11001" then
      return A(25);
    elsif B = "11010" then
      return A(26);
    elsif B = "11011" then
      return A(27);
    elsif B = "11100" then
      return A(28);
    elsif B = "11101" then
      return A(29);
    elsif B = "11110" then
      return A(30);
      return A(31);
    end if;

  end multi321;
end fuggveny1;

von Lattice User (Guest)

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von Lothar M. (Company: Titel) (lkmiller) (Moderator)

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return A(to_integer(unsigned(B)));

Use numeric_std instead of STD_LOGIC_ARITH...

: Edited by Moderator
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