hi guys,
i am working on a student bachelor thesis where i should implement a BTC
from matlab to the SHARC ADSP-21369 EZ-Kit to edit parameters for a
simple 3-band-EQ during the board's runtime.
i have now a class in matlab including the methods for accessing,
writing and reading the BTC and i have initialized the channels in
VisualDSP++ like shown in the getting started example.
now i have the following problem:
i will transmit filter coefficients für a biquad filter, so the
numerator-coefficients are 3x1 cell array, the denominator-coeffs 2x1
cell array
if i try to send these values through the BTC, the BTC memory window
shows me, that only one single coefficient of the array is edited, the
others get 0. a very interesting point is, that in the 3x1 cell array
the 2nd coefficient is edited, the first and the third get zero.
has anyone an idea how to fix this? i would need quite a quick solution,
because i have to presentate my project on monday.
here is the code ob my accessBTC.m
1 | classdef accessBTC < handle
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 | properties
6 |
7 | numChannels = [];
8 |
9 | isInitialized = 0; %Logical 0 or 1 to indicate if the class is instantiated to connect to the VisualDSP session
10 |
11 | end
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 | properties(SetAccess = private)
16 |
17 | channelList = {}; % Array of channel objects
18 |
19 | end
20 |
21 |
22 |
23 | methods
24 |
25 |
26 |
27 | function initialize(obj)
28 |
29 | a = actxserver('VisualDSP.ADspApplication');
30 |
31 | btcPlugin = a.PluginList.invoke('Item','BtcManager');
32 |
33 | btcManager = btcPlugin.Open;
34 |
35 | btcChannelList = btcManager.ChannelList(int16(0)); % Get the channel list in processor #0 (always INT16)
36 |
37 | obj.numChannels = btcChannelList.Count;
38 |
39 | disp(['Total Number of Channels: ', num2str(obj.numChannels)]);
40 |
41 | % Create the BTC Channel interfaces
42 |
43 | for i = 1: obj.numChannels
44 |
45 | obj.channelList{i} = btcChannelList.invoke('Item',int32(i-1));
46 |
47 | end
48 |
49 | obj.isInitialized = 1;
50 |
51 | % S=saveobj(obj);
52 |
53 | end % End of Method: INITIALIZE
54 |
55 |
56 |
57 | function outVal = read(obj,channelNum,width)
58 |
59 | % Default width is 32; other possible values: 16, 8
60 |
61 | % Channel num starts frm 0
62 |
63 | if nargin ==2
64 |
65 | width = 32;
66 |
67 | end
68 |
69 | widthStr = ['btcWidth',num2str(width)];
70 |
71 | btcChan = obj.channelList{channelNum};
72 |
73 | out_val = btcChan.Read(widthStr);
74 |
75 | outVal = cell2mat(out_val);
76 |
77 | end % End of Method: READ
78 |
79 |
80 |
81 | function write(obj, channelNum, val)
82 |
83 | % input val needs to be a scalar or a vector of int32 or in16 or
84 |
85 | % int8 values
86 |
87 | % Channel num starts frm 0
88 |
89 | if nargin ~=3
90 |
91 | error('WRITE method for accessBTC object needs 2 inputs.')
92 |
93 | end
94 |
95 |
96 |
97 | btcChan = obj.channelList{channelNum+1};
98 |
99 | btcChan.Write('btcWidth32',num2cell(val));
100 |
101 | end %End of Method: WRITE
102 |
103 |
104 |
105 | function reset(obj)
106 |
107 | obj.numChannels = [];
108 |
109 | obj.isInitialized = 0;
110 |
111 | obj.channelList = [];
112 |
113 | end %End of Method: RESET
114 |
115 |
116 |
117 | end
so if i sending for example these single arrays
1 | num_1 = [1.324; -1.45; 0.83]
2 | den_1 = [-1.45; 0.74]
i am getting in my BTC memory window as floating point
1 | num_1 = [0.0000000; -1.45; 0.0000000]
2 | den_1 = [-1.45; 0.0000000]
has anybody an idea how to fix this?
thanks a lot and best regards,