Hi, I am a contestant of digilent contest, and I need a feedback for my project. A short description is: This project implements a digital circuit design tool, as the name says, in FPGA. The FPGA board is connected directly on a monitor and a mouse. The user should use this project to create a digital schematic, and he could check the output signals on a logic analyzer which is included in the project. Here we have two working modes: directly mode, using a mouse which is connected directly on FPGA board, and second mode, using PC. In second mode, user should use Xilinx ISE to create a schematic, and after executing a command, some data are transferred to FPGA via RS232 communication and the schematic is created automatically. FPGA part is implemented in VHDL and in second mode, the data prom Xilinx ISE schematic is processed with Visual Basic Script. You can watch on a example movie on the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G0QwzR-WGa0 Thank you
So you are producing graphics on the VGA, which represents Logical ciruits? Funny idea, but what is it for? Usually this very fast VGA-strategy makes only sense, if there is high movement in the Image just like Scrolling or 3D-image Rotation. Whith static Images like electronic schematics this is of no benefit or did I miss something? In how far can the electronic circuit be manipulated? Can I place something different than shown in the Screen? From the complexity of the Task, you did a godd work - but from the meaing und usability I'd rate it not so high.
This is a real time implementation. This is an easy way to check a schematic and to see the result at once. I don't like to use the simulation programs, and this project can help the students to learn more easier. On the monitor, for this project only the schematic and the output signals can be displayed.
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