Here is the code I am using to initialize the OLED, per the instructions in the data sheet. I am using the 3-wire SPI configuration, and I have set BS0 and BS1 correctly. For reference, here is the exact OLED I bought: And here is my code: void Initial(void) { PINRESETHIGH; timer_delay(5); /* in miliseconds */ PINRESETLOW; timer_delay(20); PINRESETHIGH; timer_delay(5); Write_Command(0xA6); /* All off or normal, Data sheet is inconsitent */ Write_Command(0xFD); /*SET COMMAND LOCK*/ Write_Data(0x12); /* UNLOCK */ Write_Command(0xAE); /*DISPLAY OFF*/ Write_Command(0xB3); /*DISPLAYDIVIDE CLOCKRADIO/OSCILLATAR FREQUANCY*/ Write_Data(0x91); Write_Command(0xCA); /*multiplex ratio*/ Write_Data(0x3F); /*duty = 1/64*/ Write_Command(0xA2); /*set offset*/ Write_Data(0x00); Write_Command(0xA1); /*start line*/ Write_Data(0x00); Write_Command(0xA0); /*set remap*/ Write_Data(0x14); Write_Data(0x11); Write_Command(0xB5); /* Set GPIO */ Write_Command(0x00); Write_Command(0xAB); /* Funtion selection */ Write_Data(0x01); /* Selection external vdd */ Write_Command(0xB4); /* Enable External VSL */ Write_Data(0xA0); Write_Data(0xFD); Write_Command(0xC1); /* Set contrast current */ Write_Data(Contrast_level); Write_Command(0xC7); /* Master contrast current control*/ Write_Data(0x0F); Write_Command(0xB9); /* Select default linear grey scale table */ Write_Command(0xB1); /* SET PHASE LENGTH */ Write_Data(0xE2); Write_Command(0xD1); /*Enhance driving scheme capability*/ Write_Data(0x82); Write_Data(0x20); Write_Command(0xBB); /*SET PRE-CHANGE VOLTAGE*/ Write_Data(0x1F); Write_Command(0xB6); /*SET SECOND PRE-CHARGE PERIOD*/ Write_Data(0x08); Write_Command(0xBE); /* SET VCOMH */ Write_Data(0x07); Write_Command(0xA4); /* normal display or all off, not sure which */ Clear_Ram(); timer_delay(200); Write_Command(0xAF); /*display ON*/ return; } void Write_Command(unsigned char cmd) { uint16_t new_cmd = 0x0000; /* 9th bit = 0 for sending command */ new_cmd |= cmd; sendMessageSPI2(new_cmd); return; } void Write_Data(unsigned char dat) { uint16_t new_data = 0x0100; /* 9th bit = 1 for sending data */ new_data |= dat; sendMessageSPI2(new_data); return; } void main(void) { BOARD_Init(); /* Init code for my personal board */ INITPIN29; /* Initialize the reset pin */ Gui_Init(); /* Initializes SPI, Timers, and empty arrays */ Write_Command(0xA6); //--all Display off Initial(); while (1) { printf("ON!\n"); Write_Command(0xA5); //--all display on timer_delay(5000); printf("OFF!\n"); Write_Command(0xA6); //--all Display off timer_delay(5000); } } NOTE: The OLED will not even turn on, not once. No screen flicker, nothing. I have triple checked everything on the hardware side over and over again, so I am convinced that it is software. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
I'm familiar with this display and currently use it in an active project, but I use the parallel interface and never tried the serial mode. Thus I can't give you some exact suggestions, however, have you tried a different simpler SPI device, like an EEPROM to check if your SPI Bus works at all? Have you tried the simpler looking 4-wire SPI mode which sends 8-bits, thus 1 byte, instead of the 3-wire SPI mode which sends 9-bits, a mode few microcontrollers support natively. Additionaly you do send a full WORD, 16-bits instead of just 9 bits (do you have 16-bit mode activated in the SPI-hardware at all?), in which you changed the 9th bit. I'm not sure if this works. You probably have to implement it more accurately. This means either to implement 9-bit SPI in software by bit banging or sending an 9th bit manually and then falling back to the integrated SPI-hardware. All in all, the 9-bit mode is difficult (just do a google search) and I highly suggest to use either the 4-wire SPI mode, or, if you also want to read from the display (depending on how much RAM your microncontroller has, you probably don't want to waste too much RAM for a display buffer) use the parallel mode. If you're using a PIC24 I can provide a working display driver which uses the parallel mode.
Thank you very much for the quick reply. I do not know how to check to see if the SPI bus is working on the OLED. I do, however, know that I have a working 16 bit SPI working on my pic32. Right now I am just sending over 16 bits at a time, and hoping that the OLED shift register will chop off the higher order bits, like so: SPI message = 0x01FF OLED shift register gets 0x1FF (9 bits) If this logic if clearly wrong, please let me know. Also how would I use the parallel mode with the pic32? I have not been able to find any helpful code on this. The OLED I bought comes with an integrated pcb, so i'm not sure if this makes a difference. I would really appreciate the code you have working for the pic24. Thank you again for your help!
A short web search also brought up the idea of hoping that the LCD chops of not needed bits. But no one wrote if it really worked. So I still suggest you just try the 4-wire SPI mode. It shouldn't be that much work (just one additional wire) and a minor code change (implementing the D/C# pin). The wiring and jumper settings on the PCB are nicely illustrated on the accompanying PDF: The PIC most probably has two or three SPI devices integrated, so you're free to use a second one exclusively for the display in 8-bit mode, so you can keep the 16-bit mode SPI for other devices in 16-bit mode. The PIC microcontrollers have a Parallel Master Port (PMP), which you can (and should) use for the parallel mode. Here's the code for the SSD1322: a few posts above is the driver for the SSD1325 in case you also use different displays. The PIC32 might have enough RAM to use an extra internal display buffer without problems. The mentioned code however does not use a buffer and only uses the display RAM, making things a bit slower and drawing operations a bit more complicated, because of the odd pixel adressing. (one has to update 4 pixels in one rush always) The PCB just seems to contain all necessary capacitors, diodes and most importantly the Step-Up converter to create the necessary 12V, all this in an easy to handle package, no need for ZIF-connectors. I only use the naked display (without display), but I doubt that there's any other difference.
Alex Lynchosky, Have you been able to solve the issue? I have the same problem. I just went line-by-line on initialization instruction according to the datasheet and I still have nothing on the display !! I am very interesting to know if your issue is solved. Thanks, JIMMY
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