Ich am testing the MCP23017 for a large project, and am writing 0x28 to OLATB & GPIOB (defined in IODIRB as Output) and then read what is in the MCP23017 GPIOB and OLATB registers ..and that's absolutely zero !! IOCON.BANK=1 mode >>NOTE<<, therefore the "unusual" addresses), & GPIOB is set up as 8 x output by IODIRB (0x00) we write test pattern 0x28 to GPIOB & OLATB (@ 0x19, @0x1A) Diagnostic-Messages activated my comments below ----------------------------------- -------------------- I2C: Device 0x21 wrote 0x28 to register 0x19 >> GPIOB write (set = 1) I2C: Device 0x21 wrote 0x28 to register 0x1A >> OLATB write (set = 1) I2C: Device 0x21 returned 0x00 from reg 0x19 << read von GPIOB, noch 0x00!! I2C: Device 0x21 returned 0x00 from reg 0x1A << read vom OLATB these are 4 diagnostic messagesfrom 4 consecutive program read/write calls (Python 2.7). As can be seen, the value 0x28 disappears immediately , reads to GPIOB and OLATB return 0x00 every time. Anyone experienced anything similar?? I tried writing only to OLATB (see Datasheet, Latches Register) but it made no difference to GPIOB or OLATB, also tried 100 msec delays between calls, no change
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