Hi, I'm beginner in VHDL, I have to devide the frequency from 125 Mhz to 1 Hz for that I used this code to generate the 1s clock --- generate the 1s clock --- process(clk,rst) begin if rst='1' then cnt<=1; else cnt<=cnt+1; end if; if cnt<=62000000 then clk_s<='0'; else clk_s<='1'; end if; if cnt=125000000 then cnt<=1; end if; end process; -------------------------------------------------------- the probleme is what's the value of clock (clk) I should define in testbensh ( is it 8ns ??) help me please! thank you. Abdallah.
Dont u have a calculator? The clockperiod is 1/(125*10e6 Hz)=8ns
thank you for your response guest! I just confused because the simulation didn't provide the good result. it provide clock of 0.5 second not 1 second.. where is the probleme!!!! this is my code --------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; entity one_second is port(clk_in:in bit; s:out bit); end one_second; architecture Behavioral of one_second is signal cnt:integer:=1; begin process(clk_in) begin cnt<=cnt+1; if cnt<=62500000 then s<='0'; else s<='1'; end if; if cnt=125000000 then cnt<=1; end if; end process; end Behavioral; --------------------------------------------------------
Try something like this: if rst = '1' then Cntr <= (others => '0'); Elsif clk = '1' and clk'event then Cntr <= cntr +1; --add your stuff; End if;
> where is the probleme!!!! this is my code
One problem is, that the process is triggered with each change on
clk_in, so the counter counts at each rising and each falling edge of
But the much bigger problem is, that you do not know what you are doing!
Have a look how others write a counter and check your solution against
BTW: your counter will work only in simulation. In real hardware it is a
combinational loop...
That's true about the counter, I change its value to 125E06 for each front. it's work only when I decreases the counter to 125E03 with decreases of clock to 8us, or counter <= 125 with clock of 8ms.............. biiiiiiiiiiiig probleme when counter<=125000000 and clock=8ns....... the result is more than anarchy..(because of the computer!!!) what if I implement it to the board,does it work!!! --- what's your opinion? thany you.
------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- By the way M.lkmiller I really know what I do although that I'm still beginner ....any way Thank you very much ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; entity one_second is port(clk_in:in bit; s:out bit); end one_second; architecture Behavioral of one_second is signal cnt:integer:=1; begin process(clk_in) begin cnt<=cnt+1; if cnt<125000000 then s<='0'; else s<='1'; end if; if cnt=250000000 then cnt<=1; end if; end process; end Behavioral; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -
Edited by User
Think in hardware. What are counters synthesise to? Do u know FF that works with rising AND falling edge? No? Me too!
Okay it's done, thanks to ALLAH ------------------------------- this is the finale code with the description in the attachment file ........................................................ I hope that you give your opinion about the code and why not correct my false steps.. thanks a lot. ------------------------------------------------------------- -| |------ -| Controle d'un feu de circulation en utilisant les Machines d'Etats -| Control of the traffic light using machines States ------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; ------------------------------ --- Entity --- ------------------------------ entity feu_circulation is port( clk,rst,tst,a: in bit; r1,r2:out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0)); end feu_circulation; -------------------------------- --- Architecture --- -------------------------------- architecture feu_circulation of feu_circulation is type etat is(R_V,R_O,V_R,O_R,O_O); signal p_etat,s_etat:etat; signal clk_etat,clk_s:bit:='0'; signal cnt,tmps:integer:=1; begin ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- Changement de l'Etat Presente vers l'Etat Suivante --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ process(rst,clk_etat) begin if rst='1' then p_etat<=R_V; elsif(clk_etat'event and clk_etat='1') then p_etat<=s_etat; end if; end process; --------------------------------------------------------------------- ---Definition de l'Etat Suivante et les valeurs des Signaux de Sortie --- Changing Presente State to Next State --------------------------------------------------------------------- process(p_etat,a,tst) begin case p_etat is when R_V =>r1<="100"; r2<="010"; if a='0' then s_etat<=R_O; else s_etat<=O_O; end if; if tst='0' then tmps<=30; else tmps<=1; end if; when R_O =>r1<="100"; r2<="001"; if a='0' then s_etat<=V_R; else s_etat<=O_O; end if; if tst='0' then tmps<=5; else tmps<=1; end if; when V_R =>r1<="010"; r2<="100"; if a='0' then s_etat<=O_R; else s_etat<=O_O; end if; if tst='0' then tmps<=45; else tmps<=1; end if; when O_R =>r1<="001"; r2<="100"; if a='0' then s_etat<=R_V; else s_etat<=O_O; end if; if tst='0' then tmps<=5; else tmps<=1; end if; when O_O =>r1<="001"; r2<="001"; if a='0' then s_etat<=R_V; else s_etat<=O_O; end if; tmps<=1; end case; end process; -------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Génération de l'horloge de 1s de période (clk_s) à partir de l'horloge de 8ns de période (clk) ------------------------------------- --- Generation of the clock period of 1s (clk_s) from the clock period of 8ns (clk) --- -------------------------------------------------------------------- process(clk,rst) begin if rst='1' then cnt<=1; else cnt<=cnt+1; end if; if cnt<125 then--- to use clock periode of 8ns, use cnt<125000000. note: It doesn't work in ISE Simulation clk_s<='0'; -- to use clock periode of 8us, use cnt<125000. else -- to use clock periode of 8ms, use cnt<125. clk_s<='1'; end if; if cnt=250 then--- to use clock periode of 8ns, use cnt<250000000. note: It doesn't work in ISE Simulation cnt<=1; -- to use clock periode of 8us, use cnt<250000. end if; -- to use clock periode of 8ms, use cnt<250. end process; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- Géneration de l'horloge de sorite (clk_etat) d'une période qui varie selon les 3 Modes --- ------------------------ --- Generation of the output clock (clk_etat) of a period which varies from 3 Modes --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ process(clk_s,rst,a,tst) variable temps:integer; variable ok:bit:='1'; begin if tst='1' then ok:='1'; end if; if rst='1' then ok:='1'; elsif a='0' then if ok='1' then temps:=tmps; ok:='0'; clk_etat<='0'; end if; if clk_s'event and clk_s='1' then temps:=temps-1; if temps=0 then ok:='1'; clk_etat<='1'; end if; end if; end if; if a='1' then clk_etat<=clk_s; ok:='1'; end if; end process; end feu_circulation; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - --------| ||||||||||| |||||||||||| |||| |||| |------ --------| ||||||||||| |||||||||||| ||||| |||| |------ --------| |||| |||| |||||| |||| |------ --------| |||| |||| ||||||| |||| |------ --------| |||||||| |||| |||||||||||| |------ --------| |||||||| |||| |||||||||||| |------ --------| |||| |||| |||| ||||||| |------ --------| |||| |||||||||||| |||| |||||| |------ --------| |||| |||||||||||| |||| ||||| |------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ----- Abdallah ---- Abdallah ---- Abdallah ---- Abdallah ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -
Ohh man... There are many good books out there. Try to get one. This code is terrible...
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