Hi everyone, I've ben trying to transmit a FIFO Structure via CAN with
my TriCore DSP but I#ve been stuck for the past few days and can't find
the problem.
I use a modified version of the CAN_ubWriteFIFO function generated with
1 | uint8 TRANSMIT_FIFO_V2(uint8 OB_FIFO, uint8 size, CAN_SWObj *pstObj)
2 | {
3 | uint8
4 | retrn = 2;
5 | //////////////////////// CONFIGURATION OF THE SLAVES
6 | uint8 i,j;
7 | uint32 tmp_u32;
8 | uint8 aubFIFOWritePtr[128], ubFIFOReadPtr[128];
9 | for(i=OB_FIFO+1; i<= OB_FIFO+size; i++)
10 | {
11 | tmp_u32 = 0x1000000*PCAN_LIST_NR;
12 | tmp_u32 += (i << 16);
13 | tmp_u32 += 0x2; //Command
14 | SetListCommand(tmp_u32); //////// ALOCATING EACH SLAVE TO THE SAME LIST
15 | CAN_HWOBJ[i].uwMOFCR = (3);//MMC = 0011
16 | CAN_HWOBJ[i].uwMOFGPR = (0x00FF0000)&(OB_FIFO<<16); // SLAVE CUR must point to BASE OBJ
17 | CAN_HWOBJ[i].uwMOCTR = (1<<27)|(1<<24)|(1<<25)|(1<<23)|(1<<21)|(1<<19)|(1<<19);// SET DIR, TXRQ, TXEN0, RXEN, MSGVAL, NEWDAT, RESET TXEN1
18 | }
19 | //////////////////////// END CONFIGURATION OF THE SLAVES
20 | //////////////////////// BASE OBJECT CONFIGURATION
21 | CAN_HWOBJ[OB_FIFO].uwMOAMR = 0;// no mask
22 | CAN_HWOBJ[OB_FIFO].uwMOFCR = (2)|(1<<27);//MMC = 0010+ DCL=8
23 | CAN_HWOBJ[OB_FIFO].uwMOFGPR = ((OB_FIFO + size)<<24)|((OB_FIFO)<<16)|((OB_FIFO + size)<<8)|((OB_FIFO));// SEL + CUR + TOP + BOT
24 | CAN_HWOBJ[OB_FIFO].uwMOCTR = (1<<27)|(1<<26)|(1<<25)|(1<<23)|(1<<21)|(1<<19);// SET DIR, TXEN0, TXEN1, RXEN, MSGVAL, NEWDAT
25 | //////////////////////// END BASE OBJECT CONFIGURATION
26 |
28 | if((CAN_HWOBJ[OB_FIFO].uwMOFCR & 0x0000000F) == 0x00000002) // IF OB_FIFO IS A TX FIFO BASE OBJECT
29 | {
30 | j = OB_FIFO;
31 | retrn = 0;
32 | if((CAN_HWOBJ[j].uwMOCTR & 0x00000100) == 0x00000000)// IF TXRQ == 0
33 | {
34 |
35 |
36 | CAN_HWOBJ[j].uwMOCTR = 0x01280000;// set TXRQ, NEWDAT, MSGVAL
37 | retrn = 1;
38 | }
39 | }
40 | return(retrn);
41 | }
Before calling this function I save the 8 byte Data and the ID in every
Slave Object and in the Base Object.
After calling the function, It only sends the Data that is saved in the
Base Object (I also happens if the Base Object is not part of the FIFO)
with it's ID. CUR pointer of the Base Object moves to the next slave (in
this case 0x68, beeing the Base Object the 0x67) but the data in the
next slave object won't be transmitted. MOCTR Register of every Slave
object is in following state: 0xYYZZ8BA8 (beeing YY and ZZ bytes for
last and next object on the same list).
Any help would be apreciated.
Thank you all.
Vielen Dank.