
Forum: FPGA, VHDL & Verilog packages in vhdl

von Harry s. (harry27)

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can anyone please help me with writing packages in vhdl. i need my own 
set of values in my package . i am using Xilinx ISE. what changes do i 
have to make in tool settings to write a package

von P. K. (pek)

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You are heavily posting with "basic" questions like this one, you could 
easily retrieving from a VHDL starting book or basic course or even the 
net if more convenient.

Maybe it would be a better approach to do a proper read-in, some "hello 
world stuff".

If you subsequently turn up with questions like "why are the values of 
my own package not visible in my architecture" or similar, some quys in 
here will fight each other to help you. But if you expect them to give 
you an 1:1 teaching, it might be difficult to find somebody willing 

von PittyJ (Guest)

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I bought myself a book "the designers guide to VHDL" from Peter 
There is a chapter 7, which describes lots of things about packages.
Amazon delivers this book free to your home.

von Harry s. (harry27)

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