Hello, I recently started programming an ADuC7026 Microcontroller which has a ARM7TDMI core. I managed to write a code that blinks a LED (attached), however even though the code works, there are some issues that I don't understand. First a question regarding the startup code: At the beginning of the startup code I try to set up the vector table whith a Branch to the actual startup routine (_start) at the first address, which will later be linked to 0x0. However I discovered, that if I modify this line to say reset: B reset the code will still work! Shouldn't this modification result in the MCU never reaching the rest of the code? The second question is about the Linker-script: The Flash begins at address 0x80000 which after reset is equivalent with address 0x0? So it shouldn't make a difference if the "." variable is set to 0x0 or 0x80000 before the .text section? What I found was, that this does indeed not make a difference. However I can actually give the "." any value I want and it will still work! Also exchanging the placement order of the subsections to eg: * (exception_vectors); * (.text .text.*); doesn't have any impact! I feel like any of the described modifications should prove fatal for my code. I would be really glad if someone could explain where I have gone wrong. Also, as a beginner, I appreciate any other comments and advice on the code. Thanks for your help already! Greetings
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