1 | library IEEE;
2 | use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
3 |
4 | ENTITY tbird_lc is
5 | GENERIC(DIVISOR : positive := 10000000);
6 | PORT(clk : IN std_logic;
7 | rst : IN std_logic;
8 | left : IN std_logic;
9 | right : IN std_logic;
10 | haz : in std_logic;
11 | brake : IN std_logic;
12 | left_tail_lt : OUT std_logic_vector(3 downto 1);
13 | right_tail_lt : OUT std_logic_vector(1 to 3));
14 | END tbird_lc;
15 |
16 | ARCHITECTURE behavior OF tbird_lc IS
17 |
18 | TYPE state_type IS (IDLE, LR3, L1, L2, L3, R1, R2, R3,LB,LB1,LB2,LB3);
19 | SIGNAL present_state, next_state : state_type;
20 | CONSTANT leftoff : std_logic_vector(3 downto 1) := "000";
21 | CONSTANT left1on : std_logic_vector(3 downto 1) := "001";
22 | CONSTANT left2on : std_logic_vector(3 downto 1) := "011";
23 | CONSTANT left3on : std_logic_vector(3 downto 1) := "111";
24 | CONSTANT rightoff : std_logic_vector(3 downto 1) := "000";
25 | CONSTANT right1on : std_logic_vector(3 downto 1) := "100";
26 | CONSTANT right2on : std_logic_vector(3 downto 1) := "110";
27 | CONSTANT right3on : std_logic_vector(3 downto 1) := "111";
28 |
29 | signal sclk: std_logic;
30 |
31 | BEGIN
32 | DIVIDER : entity work.clock_divider(behavior)
33 | generic map (DIVISOR => DIVISOR)
34 | port map (clk => clk, rst => rst, q => sclk);
35 | clocked : PROCESS(sclk,rst)
36 | BEGIN
37 | IF(rst='1') THEN
38 | present_state <= idle;
39 | ELSIF(rising_edge(sclk)) THEN
40 | present_state <= next_state;
41 | END IF;
42 | END PROCESS clocked;
43 |
44 | nextstate : PROCESS(present_state,left,right,haz, brake)
45 | BEGIN
46 | CASE present_state IS
47 | WHEN idle =>
48 | IF(haz = '1' OR(brake='1' and haz='1')OR (left = '1' AND right = '1')) THEN
49 | next_state <= LR3;
50 | ELSIF(left = '1') THEN
51 | next_state <= L1;
52 | ELSIF (left='1' and brake='1') THEN --trying to make another state for left and brake
53 | next_state<=LB1;
54 | ELSIF(right = '1') THEN
55 | next_state <= R1;
56 | ELSIF(brake='1' and haz='0' and left='0' and right='0')THEN
57 | next_state<=LR3;
58 | ELSE
59 | next_state <= idle;
60 | END IF;
61 | WHEN LR3 =>
62 | IF(brake='1' and haz='0' and left='0' and right='0') THEN
63 | next_state<=LR3;
64 | else
65 | next_state <= idle;
66 | END IF;
67 | WHEN L1 =>
68 | IF(haz = '1' or (brake='1' and haz='1') ) THEN
69 | next_state <= LR3;
70 | ELSE
71 | next_state <= L2;
72 | END IF;
73 | WHEN L2 =>
74 | IF(haz = '1' or (brake='1' and haz='1') ) THEN
75 | next_state <= LR3;
76 | ELSE
77 | next_state <= L3;
78 | END IF;
79 | WHEN L3 =>
80 | next_state <= idle;
81 | WHEN R1 =>
82 | IF(haz = '1' or (brake='1' and haz='1')) THEN
83 | next_state <= LR3;
84 | ELSE
85 | next_state <= R2;
86 | END IF;
87 | WHEN R2 =>
88 | IF(haz = '1' or (brake='1' and haz='1')) THEN
89 | next_state <= LR3;
90 | ELSE
91 | next_state <= LB;
92 | END IF;
93 | WHEN R3 =>
94 | next_state <= idle;
95 | WHEN LB1 => --next state for left and brake
96 | IF (left='1' and brake='1') THEN
97 | next_state<=LB2;
98 | else
99 | next_state<=LB;
100 | END IF;
101 | WHEN LB2=>
102 | IF (left='1' and brake='1') THEN
103 | next_state<=LB3;
104 | ELSE
105 | next_state<=LB;
106 | END IF;
107 | WHEN LB3 =>
108 | next_state<= idle;
109 | WHEN LB =>
110 | next_state<=LB;
111 | END CASE;
112 | END PROCESS nextstate;
113 |
114 | output : PROCESS(present_state)
115 | BEGIN
116 | CASE present_state IS
117 | WHEN idle =>
118 | left_tail_lt <= leftoff;
119 | right_tail_lt <= rightoff;
120 | WHEN LR3 =>
121 | left_tail_lt <= left3on;
122 | right_tail_lt <= right3on;
123 | WHEN L1 =>
124 | left_tail_lt <= left1on;
125 | right_tail_lt <= rightoff;
126 | WHEN L2 =>
127 | left_tail_lt <= left2on;
128 | right_tail_lt <= rightoff;
129 | WHEN L3 =>
130 | left_tail_lt <= left3on;
131 | right_tail_lt <= rightoff;
132 | WHEN R1 =>
133 | left_tail_lt <= leftoff;
134 | right_tail_lt <= right1on;
135 | WHEN R2 =>
136 | left_tail_lt <= leftoff;
137 | right_tail_lt <= right2on;
138 | WHEN R3 =>
139 | left_tail_lt <= leftoff;
140 | right_tail_lt <= right3on;
141 | WHEN LB1 => --trying to do left and brake but working
142 | left_tail_lt <= left1on;
143 | right_tail_lt <= right3on;
144 | WHEN LB2 =>
145 | left_tail_lt <= left2on;
146 | right_tail_lt <= right3on;
147 | WHEN LB3 =>
148 | left_tail_lt <= left3on;
149 | right_tail_lt <= right3on;
150 | WHEN LB =>
151 | right_tail_lt <=right3on;
152 | left_tail_lt<=leftoff;
153 | END CASE;
154 | END PROCESS output;
155 |
156 | END ARCHITECTURE behavior;