I'm newbie to this forum and would like to hear your comments about at which level the GCC/GNU compilers and linker are with the ARM Cortex M4 compared to their commercial competitors like IAR or KEIL compilers/toolchains. I am thinking mostly about optimization and the resulting code performance perspective as well as support for the special features of the processor core. What about the Yagarto toolchain, does it have any known issues? We are currently in a point to make a decision whether to take GCC-based tools or commercial ones for our commercial projects. Yagarto is on the list. A neutral and sincere professional answer would be great! There are always BOTH well done and badly done things in every software, whether free or paid for.
The question is, if you would like to risk anything in your commercial project. I dont think that there will be a significant difference when using gcc or commercial compiler with systems like X86 desktops or ARM based stuff like smartphones orf tablets. In the use case of microcontrollers, there are some differences: - The support from the commercial compiler vendors should not be underestimated. - The debugging capabilities (*1) - Code optimizations (especially with uCs with small Flash sizes) - Some additional features (code coverage, profiling, etc.) (*1) My experience with free debugging tools was not so amazing. When you dont have much time to waste with trying to get the debugging stuff working, you see the advantage of "out of the box" working debug solutions from commecial vendors. Even if it wont work, you can call the support to get it working. Ok. You could also use forums, mailing lists, IRC, to get support for the free tools, but there is no guarantee that there is help for you within an acceptable time frame. Personally, I would use the gcc stuff for hobby projects and not for commercial ones. Although I have been using gcc for some commercial projects in the past.
The GCC optimizer is among the best regarding high-level optimizations, but it may (take that 'may' literally, on some platforms it does just as good of a job as any other compiler) be lacking in platform-secific small-scale optimization. This doesn't really matter, however: Since your target is a Cortex M4, I assume your code base will get comparatively large (several 100k of binary size). In that case, minor differences in compiler optimization aren't your concern anyways. You will always need to profile your application, no matter what your compiler is, as compiler optimization will never yield the performance gain you get when rewriting hot spots using a different algorithm or even going straight to assembler for a crucial piece of code. Due to the widespread usage and long history, GCC's language support tends to be more solid and implement more of relevant language standards. This may be a major selling point if you use lots of shared code, especially external code libraries. For the same reason you get lots of independent tools that work with it, be it for profiling or debugging. There is more choice (which has its own cost, of course). As for the difficulties in setting it up, that varies a lot. For some platforms, there do exist fully automatic GCC installers that just work, and on others, there don't. If you have people on site that speak command line fluently, you will always get it working. Also keep in mind that this is a one-time cost. But in the end, there are too many specifics. Your JTAG adapter may not be supported by one or the other tool, the µC you chose has that amazing super-optimized compiler, or just that platform happens to be well done in GCC, so many variables. If you want a solution that works best for your specific case, just try them. GCC is free and the others should have evaluation versions. Write a small test app in each of them and go through debugging, profiling and all of your general workflow. If, on the other hand, you want to establish one generic development platform for all sorts of controllers, there is no way around GCC, as it supports about everything there is.
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