
Forum: PCB Design & Technology PCBs from Sure Elecronics

von Jeremy R. (jerryr)

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Does anyone have good/bad experience with PCBs made by Sure Elecronics. 
Best wishes,


von Chris D. (myfairtux) (Moderator)

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We ordered some boards from them (2x five boards a 100cm² and 2x25 
boards a 100cm²). No problem at all - quality was ok - no defects in any 
board :-)
Shipping time was as promised.

So we sure will order again in future.

Communication was fast - for the last boards we have had a small change 
after sending the first Gerber files - it was no problem to fix this.

So I can recommend the store (at least for PCBs).

Chris D.

von Marck Boat (Guest)

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Nice information.

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