Hi Thanks in advance for reading my post. I am doing a project with a platform without any flash memory. This platform has the AM3517 processor. Before using this platform, I simulate it in craneboard. What I did is that I locate all sections to ram, Here is my linker scriptfile. /*********************************************************************** ******** ** ** Sample linker definition file for NP30. ** ************************************************************************ ******** */ EXTERN(_start) ENTRY(_start) MEMORY { vectors : org = 0x4020ffc4, len = 0x003C intram : org = 0x40200040, len = 0x3800 sdram : org = 0x80000000, len = 0x100000 } SECTIONS { .boot : { __BOOT_START = .; *(.boot) __BOOT_END = .; . = ALIGN( 4 ); }> vectors .startup : { __BOOT_START = .; *(.boot) __BOOT_END = .; . = ALIGN( 4 ); } > intram .text : { __TEXT_START = .; *(.text) __TEXT_END = .; . = ALIGN( 4 ); } > sdram .rdata : { __RDATA_START = .; *(.rodata) *(.rodata.str1.2) *(.rodata.str1.4) *(.rdata_4) *(.rdata_2) *(.rdata_1) __RDATA_END = .; . = ALIGN( 4 ); } > sdram .data : { __DATA_START = .; *(.data_4) *(.data_2) *(.data_1) *(.data) __DATA_END = .; . = ALIGN( 4 ); } > sdram .bss (NOLOAD) : { __BSS_START = .; *(.bss_4) *(.bss_2) *(.bss_1) *(.bss) *(COMMON) __BSS_END = .; . = ALIGN( 16384 ); } > sdram .mmutable (NOLOAD): { __MMUTABLE_END = .; . += 0x4000; __MMUTABLE_START = .; . = ALIGN( 16384 ); } > sdram .sysstack : { __SYSSTACK_END = .; . += 0x200; __SYSSTACK_START = .; . = ALIGN( 4 ); } > intram .irqstack : { __IRQSTACK_END = .; . += 0xE0; __IRQSTACK_START = .; . = ALIGN( 4 ); } > intram .fiqstack : { __FIQSTACK_END = .; . += 0x80; __FIQSTACK_START = .; . = ALIGN( 4 ); } > intram .abtstack : { __ABTSTACK_END = .; . += 0x80; __ABTSTACK_START = .; . = ALIGN( 4 ); } > intram .svcstack : { __SVCSTACK_END = .; . += 0x80; __SVCSTACK_START = .; . = ALIGN( 4 ); } > intram .undstack : { __UNDSTACK_END = .; . += 0x80; __UNDSTACK_START = .; . = ALIGN( 4 ); } > intram } However, in the map file, I found that section .debug_*,.comment,.attributes are still located to the address which starts with 0x00000000, and this is the address where the flash is mapped. I add three lines in order to relocate these sections: .comment : { *(.comment) ; . = ALIGN( 4 ); } > sdram .attributes : { *(.ARM.attributes) ; . = ALIGN( 4 ); } > sdram .debug : { *(.debug*) ; . = ALIGN( 4 ); } > sdram and I Checked the .out file using "file" command, it says "Reading symbols from XXX.out, <no debugging symbols found>....done". Can someone help me? Thanks
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