Hi i am trying to set up Eclipse Helios SR2 to do some debugging of a ARM7 (AT91SAM7S256) board using usbprog as hardware adapter and openocd 0.4. I think the general connection works fine, the program is written to the SRAM, but eclipse has some problems in talking to the arm-none-eabi-gdb. The program breaks at main() as configured, I can also do single steps while the program execution is halted. But after I press resume, I can't suspend the program anymore. It is also not possible to add further breakpoints, eclipse just shows a "unresolved breakpoint". Breakpoints added in eclipse before the launch of the program work fine... Furthermore, pressing the stop button triggers an error message: "Target request failed: Failed to interrupt". I am sure the program itself is running fine after I start it, an LED is changing brightness according to program and I can talk to my firmware via the usb-cdc implementation. Just debugging seems to stop working. I did some tests using semi-manual control, by starting gdb myself and doing exactly what is written in the startup script, everything works fine. If I press CTRL-C and then enter "monitor halt" I can stop the program anytime and read out the registers etc. I did not try breakpoints on the command line, I did not know how to use gdb directly until a few hours ago. ;) I did another test, if I launch the program using eclipse (where it is "unstoppable" after i press on resume after the initial breakpoint) and then manually halt the cpu (by using a telnet session to directly talk to openocd), eclipse registers the halt and correctly shows the current variables etc. I am also able to do single-stepping after this, if I press resume, all control is lost again. The technical details: Eclipse Helios Service Release 2 using CDT and the Hardware Debugging Plugin, latest Yagarto package including gcc 4.6 and gdb 7.2 running on Windows 7 64 bit (my desktop machine) self-compiled openocd 0.4.0 patched to accept the improved usbprog JTAG firmware, running on 32 bit Ubuntu 11.10 (my notebook) I configure eclipse to tell gdb to connect to the openocd running on the notebook, this way I have no trouble with the !§&%§$ driver policy of MS in their 64 bit OSes. I am attaching a screenshot of my startup configuration in eclipse, on the other tabs I changed nothing except that I point eclipse to the arm-none-eabi-gdb.exe. As you can see from the screenshot, I also tried to use the Zylin plugin, using the following commands: Initialize: target remote Run: monitor soft_reset_halt monitor mww 0xfffff430 0x00910800 #disable usb pullup monitor reg pc 0x0000000 load The result is the same as described above. It seems to me like eclipse somehow looses the connection to the gdb when the program is running and can not send any more commands or something like that, but I am clueless on how to fix this. Otherwise, the whole gdb&openocd setup is running fine, I can upload images in openocd, manually use the gdb and so on. Any helpful comments are deeply appreciated, as I already wasted the better part of today on trying to get this to work. Please tell me if I forgot to include any details of my setup.
I began suspecting the different "bitnes" of eclipse (64) and gdb (32) to cause the problem, and with that thought in mind some googling revealed http://www.versaloon.com/bbs/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=656 which seems to describe the same problem. I will try that tomorrow and report if it is the solution.
As already suspected above, using the same bitnes of eclipse and the toolchain solved the problem, as there is no 64bit arm-none-eabi toolchain for windows readily available I just switched back to 32 bit Eclipse, who needs more than 2 GB RAM per process anyway ;)
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