
Forum: ARM programming with GCC/GNU tools Which ARM Chip? for Autopilot Hardware

von Philipp M. (lord-maricek)

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we are currently developing an autopilot for Ship modells, and the first 
version is almost ready. We are now planing the next version, which also 
shall be compatible to qudrocopters, with an ARM processor. But no one 
from our team has ever worked with ARM processors. We googled a bit an 
found this one: 

But in the future we also want to implement ImageProcessing on the chip, 
e.g. Autoland or something like that.
I read in the internet, that there are also 1ghz processors available.

We don't know which chip we could take, because there are to many 
Does anybody has suggestions, which chip we could take.

What we need:
- USB communication interface
- Flash programmable over the USB interface
- one Timer with an ICP Pin and Input capture Interrupt
- I have heard about something like audiointerfaces, that would be nice
- enough power for Imageprocessing
- SD card interface

I hope anybody can help us.


von Cortex (Guest)

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von Philipp M. (lord-maricek)

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sorry for my late answer.
Thank you, we took a look on this chip, and it seems to be good for our 
project, but this is a really new one, and we can't find much 
information or tutorial for this chip.

We are new to ARM Processors, so a few tutorials or guids would be good.

Are there any tutorial existing, or are there similar chip, we could use 
the tutorials from?


von Brittany S. (brittany_snow)

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Devkit1270, sounds be based on STSTM32F207IGT6,

it is based on ARM-Cortex M3 processor.

may be help you.

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