HI Im using an exampe (http://gandalf.arubi.uni-kl.de/avr_projects/arm_projects/at91_usbfw_core101_hid100_gcc_20070310b.zip) which is keybord HID implementation. Data transfer from device to host works fine, but in second direction (from host to device) not. The project compiles with no errors. Function which read data from host call's other 'callbacks' function: //============================================================ unsigned char bStatus; do { bStatus = KBD_ReceiveReport(&sKbd, (Callback_f) ReportReceived, 0); } while (bStatus != USB_STATUS_SUCCESS); //============================================================ static void ReportReceived() { if (ISSET(sKbd.sOutputReport.bmLeds, 1)) { //read incoming buffer LED_ON(LED_MEM); } else { LED_OFF(LED_MEM); } } //================================================================ but in my program the void ReportReceived() function is never executed. In program for USB data packet monitor ("USBTrace") i can see that the OUTPUT packet are sending correctly. what is wrong with that project. Has anyone tested it?
At the time when I ported the code from an Atmel example for IAR/EWARM- to the GNU/arm-*-gcc-toolchain I did just a few tests to verify that keyboad- and mouse-emulation does work. I have never made a "real world" project with HID and AT91SAM7. In the meantime Atmel published a lot more code. There is a HID-example in the AT91 software package. Search atmel.com for the at91sam7s-ek, in the download-section of the eval-board-page you will find the software-package and in it several USB examples. The GNU toolchain is supported, so no porting is needed. For HID there is also interesing code from ARM/Keil available in the MDK-ARM-package (I just have an older eval-version here). Even if the ARM/Keil-code can not be used because of the license the source might give some "inspiration" (It has been for me when playing with HID on targets from a different vendor).
Thank you for reply, Yes I found it, and works it fine. Now I must to understand many, many code lines...
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