
Forum: FPGA, VHDL & Verilog definition of "and" operator using boolean arguments

von jon (Guest)

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if you have an if statement with a condition:

  use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
  signal x, y : std_logic;
  if(x = '1' AND y = '1') then

The "=" operator will return a boolean value, which simplifies the 
matter to any case with:

  if([boolean] AND [boolean]) then

Since VHDL is a strong-typed language, I assumed that the 
ieee.std_logic_1164 library would contain a definition for the "and" 
function with boolean arguments, but I cannot find it.  The only 
arguments are for std_logic_vector, signed, and unsigned types.  I don't 
think that VHDL would automatically cast TRUE as '1' and FALSE as '0' 
either, as that is not always the case.  Does anyone have some insight 
as to how this issue is resolved in VHDL during compilation?


von Br i. (brian_w17)

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I don't have a certain answer for you... just a guess.

Many VHDL operators are overloaded in different libraries. Perhaps the 
"AND" operator is overloaded to handle boolean values as well...

von Br i. (brian_w17)

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Yup, see:

Logical operators are defined for boolean AND (pun intended) std_logic 
(among others)

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