what can I use for obsolete and hasrd to find filter SFD455A(5-pin) exchange in G. Baaars Elektor 10/99 receiver (on TDA1572)(Is it posible to use two 3-pin filters?)? Can it be SFZ455A or CFR 455 or CFL 455 ? Adam
SPECIFICATIONS SFD455B Ladderfilter fo= 455kHz, Delta fo = ±2kHz, 3dB bandwidth = ± 4.5kHz, 6dB bandwidth = ± 6 KHz, Input/Output Imp. = 3kOhm/10pF, Insertion Loss min. 5dB- max. 9db, Selectivity ± 9kHz = 18-24dB.
Hi, Adam, have a look here: http://cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=260826267940&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT Ciao Wolfgang Horn
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