
Forum: Analog Circuits voltage regulation circuit

von Thomas (Guest)

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Hi guys,
I'm truying to understand the circuit attached, used as voltage 
regulation for microprocessor. the uP supply is attached in front of the 
cap 122.
I think LP3982ILD-ADJ is the LDO which suervises the voltage at the 
input of the uP and through its feedback loop is regulates it when it 
falls down (correct me if I'm not right).
R121 is used as a shunt to measure the current flowing to the uP.
R123 with the potentiometer AD5245-100K form a voltage divider.
So what is the role of the op amp MCP6001T? I see this kind of config 
for the first time. is it a voltage follower? if so why is its + input 
connected to its output? How about the cap C287?


von minifloat (Guest)

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R352 and R353 are the only resistors marked with "NM".

I think, that stands for "Never Mind" :D I think they are not assembled.

Now, seriously, the circuit designer put them in to make late 
modifications of the circuit possible. Now even a comparator rather than 
a opamp can be used and trip level and hysteresis can be defined.

regards, mf

von Thomas (Guest)

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Hi minifloat,
I think it really makes sense that R352 and R353 are not assembled, and 
hence the op amp is in voltage follower stage.

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