I was attempting to upgrade from an older version of YAGARTO that uses elf to solve a problem with objcopy for my ARM9 project. After installing the latest eabi version I did a -i on objcopy and it reports it only targets elf32... formats, not eabi. I am not very experienced with this but I expect this is an issue. With the elf version of YAGARTO I am using objcopy to convert binary data files to .o files to link into my code to access images and large data tables using the following make call as an example: ESI_Logo.o : ESI_Logo.GIF $(OBJCOPY) -v -I binary -B elf32-littlearm ESI_Logo.GIF ESI_Logo.o I was able to link and access this GIF, for a while, if I told ld to ignore the arch. Then it just stopped working and ld reports an unknown file format. Don't know what I changed other then my source code accessing the GIF data.
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