I am developing a project using Eclipse/OpenOCD/GDB/G++/FreeRTOS. I posted a topic recently saying that I couldn't resume from a breakpoint. The debugger remains stuck at the breakpoint. The only way to proceed is to either delete the breakpoint or step from it. This is a very annoying bug, since if the breakpoint is on a line that interacts with peripherals (e.g. sending data via a USART) the project hangs if I try to single-step from it. I have just discovered another problem that may be related: Eclipse Help states "To activate the instruction step mode check the Instruction Stepping Mode option (Instruction Stepping Mode icon) on the Debug view toolbar. The Debugger switches to the instruction stepping mode automatically when the Disassembly view has focus." If I select Instruction Stepping Mode by right-clicking in the Debug view I can indeed step through disassembly code. However, if I de-select it then put Disassembly view in focus the debugger still steps through C code lines. I suspect that these problems are related. Any ideas?
Hi, Maybe I do not understand well your question, but I work with disassembly window as follow: I only click on the icon "Instruction stepping mode" then I click the icon "Step into" for each assembly instruction line. Please note the icon "Instruction stepping mode" remain selected, you just need to click it again to revert to C stepping mode. Regards, Yoan
Hi I can do that, but in the past Eclipse automatically switched to instruction mode if the disassembly window was in focus (i.e. if I clicked anywhere in the disassembly window so the Disassemby tab became highlighted). This is as per the last sentence of the Eclipse help "The Debugger switches to the instruction stepping mode automatically when the Disassembly view has focus.". It no longer does this.
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