
Forum: Analog Circuits Cut off freq of RC circuit

von Thomas (Guest)

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Hi folks,
I know that, in case of low pass filter, or high pass filter, the cut 
off frequency is equal to 1/2*pi*RC.
So how about if I have a R and C in parallel? does it behave as a low 
pass filter? does it have the same freq?



von Ina (Guest)

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>So how about if I have a R and C in parallel? does it behave as a low
>pass filter?

Without additional series element? No. Or is the input driven by a 
current source?

von U. B. (Guest)

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The voltage at the input and the voltage at the output are equal inthis 

von Thomas (Guest)

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So if the R//C does not have any influence on the frequency, how about 
this circuit? How can we calculate the cut off freq of it?

von U. B. (Guest)

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In the last circuit both resistors must be calculated as parallel.

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