
Forum: ARM programming with GCC/GNU tools Help: How to debug with GDB + Eclipse + Yagarto + openOCD + LPC1768?

von camilo c. (Company: Student) (bikebogota)

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Hello. I am done, it is too difficult to set up this:

I have a LPC1768H board and a OpenOCD-USB interface (for OpenOCD and 
I followed the tutorial in yagarto 
(http://www.yagarto.de/howto/yagarto2/index.html) which is very useful, 
but I can not debug. The tutorial is for the SEGGER jlink but i have 
another one.

I have:
1. installed OpenOCD, and run it with:
openocd -f /interface/openocd-usb.cfg  -f /target/lpc1768.cfg
It starts it and I can telnet to localhost 4444, so it works fine. I can 
also flash programs to the uController using commands.
2. I installed Yagarto, Eclipse, etc and put a blinky led program, I can 
successfuly build y main.elf application.
3. I have followed many tutorials to set up the debug, with zylin or 
without it, in the end, GDB connects to the target when debugging but 
never breakpoints in the main, always shows different errors. [I dont 
post the errors since I suppose that my GDB commands are wrong, I dont 
want to work on them, Soemone has to have the right ones]

My main question is: Which exact GDB inicialization commands should I 
use in the debug configuration for Eclipse and LPC1768?

Thanks in advance!

von camilo c. (Company: Student) (bikebogota)

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I will answer myself:
I found the commands in a polish website:
http://www.freddiechopin.info/index.php ... y/35-arm/5 

monitor reset
Monitor soft_reset_halt
MWW monitor 0xE01FC040 0x0002

I also put in the run commands:

monitor reg r13 = (0x10000000)
monitor reg pc = (0x10000004)

That was all, but it was so difficult to find. Now i can debug on chip 
with my LPC1768!

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