
Forum: ARM programming with GCC/GNU tools Bit Bang SPI

von John (Guest)

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I am new to ARM development and will be using LPC1112 (Cortex-M0) to 
make a simple wav audio player. I know there is a SSP which can operate 
in SPI mode, but hopefully it can be used in TI SSI mode to interface 
with an I2S codec. The SPI is used to interface a SD card. How can I bit 
bang SPI on ARM? I couldn't find SPI bit bang code specifically for 
ARM/LPC111x. It is simply using bit bang code for AVR/8051/etc?

Thanks in advance,

von Nippey (Guest)

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As BitBanging is a software emulation of hardware, the code for AVR 
should also work on ARM.
An adaption to the outpin pins is required, of course ;)

von John (Guest)

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I see. Thanks  Nippey!

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