
Forum: µC & Digital Electronics Double pointer "freeze" on uC

von Josh (Guest)

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Hello folks!

Iam currently working on a project with the XC2785X-104F Controller, 
uVision 4 and Keil C166 Compiler.
Within my code i have to work with matrices and several matrix 
calculation. Therefor iam working with double pointers, structs and 2 
dimensional arrays.

######################## Code snippet ####################

#################################### matrix struct (incl col,row)

typedef struct {
  int  row;
  int  col;

typedef struct {
  MATHEAD  head;
  * only the starting address of the following will be
  * returned to the C programmer, like malloc() concept
  double  *matrix;

typedef  double **MATRIX;

#define  Mathead(a)  ((MATHEAD *)((MATHEAD *)(a) - 1))
#define MatRow(a)  (Mathead(a)->row)
#define  MatCol(a)  (Mathead(a)->col)

############################################# struct to work with

typedef struct {
        double var;


############################################ func to "create" matrices

MATRIX  mat_creat( row, col, type )
int row, col, type;

  if ((A =_mat_creat( row, col )) != NULL)
    return (mat_fill(A, type));
    return (NULL);

return (A);

MATRIX  _mat_creat( row, col )
int row, col;
  MATBODY  *mat;
  int   i;

   if ((mat = (MATBODY *)malloc( sizeof(MATHEAD) + sizeof(double *) * 
row)) == NULL)
    return NULL;//(mat_error( MAT_MALLOC ));

  for (i=0; i<row; i++)
  if ((*((double **)(&mat->matrix) + i) = (double 
*)malloc(sizeof(double) * col)) == NULL)
    return NULL;//(mat_error( MAT_MALLOC ));

  mat->head.row = row;
  mat->head.col = col;

  return (&(mat->matrix));   //(& )

###################################################### main.c

structure test1;

// value for var
test1.var = 1.234;

// send data via uart to terminal
send_uart(test1.var);                    // works fine

// create a 2x1 matrix with unknown data
test1.A = mat_creat(2,1,UNDEFINED);

// fill matrix with values
test1.A[0][0] = 0x00;                    // <--------- causes uC-freeze 
at this point

// send data via uart to terminal
send_uart(test1.A[0][0]);                // is not delivered
send_uart("TEST\n");                     // is not delivered

##################### END Code snippet ##############################

If i comment that line out (// test1.A[0][0] = 0x00;) everything works 
If not, there is no error nor a warning from the compiler. Just a freeze 
on the uC.

Does anybody know where the problem is?
Did anyone make similar experiences??

I hope someone can help me!

thank you!

von THaala (Guest)

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because i didn't understand your code depply - i have tested your code 
inside devstudio 2010. Except you forgot to post the function mat_fill() 
i cannot see any problem. However - do you have had a look to the 
assembler output ?

regards ,

von Josh (Guest)

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Hi T!

The code is working now - it was a platform-own function which 
initializes the memory management routines and which was missing.
Afterwards i could use malloc etc. and write values to the matrices!

Despite of that, thanks for your work!

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