I'm trying to get MicroC/OS-II version 2.52 running on a ATxmega128A1. But I keep getting linker errors and I don't know what else I could do to fix them. Here is the Linker Output: avr-gcc -mmcu=atxmega128a1 -Wl,-Map=microC.map os_core.o os_flag.o os_mbox.o os_mem.o os_mutex.o os_q.o os_sem.o os_task.o os_time.o os_cpu_a.o os_cpu_c.o TEST.o -o microC.elf TEST.o: In function `Task2(void*)': C:\Documents and Settings\mti578\My Documents\microC\default/../TEST.C:80: undefined reference to `OSTimeDlyHMSM(unsigned char, unsigned char, unsigned char, unsigned int)' TEST.o: In function `Task1(void*)': C:\Documents and Settings\mti578\My Documents\microC\default/../TEST.C:71: undefined reference to `OSTimeDlyHMSM(unsigned char, unsigned char, unsigned char, unsigned int)' TEST.o: In function `TaskStartCreateTasks': C:\Documents and Settings\mti578\My Documents\microC\default/../TEST.C:56: undefined reference to `OSTaskCreate(void (*)(void*), void*, unsigned char*, unsigned char)' C:\Documents and Settings\mti578\My Documents\microC\default/../TEST.C:57: undefined reference to `OSTaskCreate(void (*)(void*), void*, unsigned char*, unsigned char)' TEST.o: In function `TaskStart(void*)': C:\Documents and Settings\mti578\My Documents\microC\default/../TEST.C:50: undefined reference to `OSTimeDlyHMSM(unsigned char, unsigned char, unsigned char, unsigned int)' TEST.o: In function `main': C:\Documents and Settings\mti578\My Documents\microC\default/../TEST.C:20: undefined reference to `OSInit()' C:\Documents and Settings\mti578\My Documents\microC\default/../TEST.C:24: undefined reference to `OSTaskCreate(void (*)(void*), void*, unsigned char*, unsigned char)' C:\Documents and Settings\mti578\My Documents\microC\default/../TEST.C:25: undefined reference to `OSStart()' make: *** [microC.elf] Error 1 Build failed with 8 errors and 26 warnings... But the OSxxx() functions are defined in the header file "uCOS_II.H" which is included in test.c. And I'm building all the necessary .c files which include the declarations(? My english ain't the best) for those functions. I even checked the .map file and the links for those functions are in that file. I attached the .map file. I got the CPU-Port from micrium.com.
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