In Short: Is it possible, to tell the linker, to place the same piece of code in multiple flash locations? What I'm trying to do is, to write a linker script, to run an application either in "standalone mode" or with a bootloader installed, for in application programming. For this I want the isr vector table to be located at the controllers default location - where it gets overridden, if the bootloader is flashed - and in the applications section, where the bootloader jumps to, when it is finished. This is how the parts in my linker script look like: [code] .bootloader : { . = ALIGN(0x80); /* PM0056, Rev.1 (4/2009), 4.3.3 */ KEEP(*(.isr_vector)) /* Initial isr table. It gets overridden, as soon as bootloader is installed. */ } >BL .application : { . = ALIGN(0x80); /* PM0056, Rev.1 (4/2009), 4.3.3 */ _app_isr_vectors_offset = . - 0x08000000; KEEP(*(.isr_vector)) /* This is the application vector table to use, when bootloader is installed. */ } >APP The result is, that the KEEP(*(.isr_vector)) in the .application section produces no output in the binary file. Maybe already used input sections are marked as used and cannot be inserted again? I searched the GNU LD manual, but did not find a hint how to do this. Can you tell me, if this is possible and if yes, how? Thanks!
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