Hi, I'm using the Yagarto toolchain to compile for an AT91SAM7x256. I'm getting a link error for the sqrt() function. I attached a simple example of the problem. The problem only applies to the functions in math.h that are non reentrant. E.g. fabs() links but sqrt(),fmod(),pow() don't link. I tried using -lm but it makes no difference. Can anyone explain what is going wrong? arm-none-eabi-gcc -g -Os -nostartfiles -Wl,--gc-sections,-lm -T"./at91lib/boards/at91sam7x-ek/at91sam7x256/flash.lds" -o bin/getting-started-project-at91sam7x-ek-at91sam7x256-flash.elf obj/flash_board_cstartup.o obj/flash_cp15_asm.o obj/flash_main.o obj/flash_usart.o obj/flash_led.o obj/flash_stdio.o obj/flash_dbgu.o obj/flash_pio.o obj/flash_aic.o obj/flash_pio_it.o obj/flash_pit.o obj/flash_tc.o obj/flash_pmc.o obj/flash_cp15.o obj/flash_board_memories.o obj/flash_board_lowlevel.o obj/flash_main.o: In function `main': C:\eclipse\workspace\AT91Demo/./src/main.c:84: undefined reference to `sqrt'
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