Hi all, I have a small problem. We have a big project that use an AT91SAM7S part. We have build a bootloader that can download all the application and/or only a section of code that need to be change to optimize the time that is needed to download the application (via an RS485 network). So What I did is modified the Linker script to add some new section of code (userControl) and RAM (DataUser and BssUser). This is work great. I can have 2 bin file. 1 with all the code main.bin and 1 with the UserControl section only. SO I can download both bin and everything work. Now the problem. The way I build the code, I have only 1 entry point in the Usercontrol section from the main.bin file. The entryFonction is the only link between the main application and the usercontrol application. The problem that I have, is the linker add some code (stub) before the Entryfonction and of course change the entry adress of the function. So When I only download the Usercontrol bin file, the main application try to jump to a wrong adress. I compile mthumb files with interworking option. I would like to know if it is possible to have the linker do not generate the stub if the caller function is in thumb mode and the callee fonction is in the thumb mode too. I need to have the UserControl EntryPoint always at the same adress. I'll attach the ld file and the makefile. regards Jonathan
>... > I need to have the UserControl EntryPoint always at the same adress. >... Maybe you could add an extra input-section for the EntryPoint-function (function attribute section), make sure the function is compiled in thumb-mode and place this function into an output-section for which you define another extra memory-entry with a fixed start-address in the linker-script. This way the address of the function should be fixed and you know it's thumb-code. In the main-application you could use a small self-made glue-function with a little bit of inline-assembler which does a "bx entrypoint". For similar tasks I have used SWIs but I developed the "BIOS-code" called by SWIs independently from the main-application so my approach is rather different from your one.
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