
Forum: Analog Circuits Tektronix 2445B repair

von ChristophK (Guest)

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Anyone knowing the Tek 2445B scope? I have one which is exposing a 
defect. The logic seems to be functioning. Only there is no beam. Not 
sure whether it might be the HV supply or sth. else.

I got a circuit diagram. Anyone some old "Teknichian" who might be 
familar with this instrument series and be able to pinpoint the most 
possible fault
or some first checks to narrow down that fault cause.


von marsufant (Guest)

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There is diagnostic diagram 8a decision tree diagram) in the rear part 
of the service manual.
Did you follow the instructions mentioned there?
And if yes, how far did you proceed?

von Rick (Guest)

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Hey Everyone,
 I replaced RAM U2460 and recalibrated. I keep gettin TEST 04 Fail 02.
 What does the fail 02 mean?

von Rick (Guest)

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It doesn't seem to take the calibration...

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