
Forum: ARM programming with GCC/GNU tools codesourcery 2009q3-68-arm-none-eabi and nokia sdk (epoc)

von mikmak (Guest)

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I am trying to link against epoc libs provided with the nokia s60 3rd ed 
fp1 sdk by using the latest arm-none-eabi codesourcery toolchain.
Compilation of symple epoc console example passes without problems but 
then, during the linking time, I got tons of 'error: *.o has EABI 
version 2, but target elf has EABI version 5'
By investigating a bit on such an issue I discovered the EABI support 
should be disabled, but could it?
I mean, from what I understand the EABI is a way to overcome the lack of 
an o.s. and to provide a binary interface in order to let elf image 
being executed...this means that I will never be able to match both 
...Is there a way to overcome such EABI restriction by simply targeting 
the elf file to a well known target given by a script?
What I am trying to do is to let the linker do not consider the EABI 
version of epoc libs but instead produce a binary image targeting the 
symbian o.s. ...is it possible, how?
Many thanks.

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