Hello, I have worked with LPC2106 and winarm with success. Now i would like to use Winarm with LPC-E2294 ( olimex) board. Is there any sample program / test program(basic) which is used with Winarm? It would be helpful if someone can provide this. cals.
I do not own a board with such a controller so there are no demos included in the WinARM-package or available from the "WinARM-page" for this controller. The LPC2294 ist similar to the LPC2106, so you could start with code for an LPC2106, adjust the memory-sizes and start-addresses in the Linker-Skipt, maybe add initialisations for the memory-interface in the startup and verify if the initialistion-code for interrupt-controller and clocking is compatible and modify if needed. You may also try the code in TestProjekt_00.zip from http://arm.hsz-t.ch/wiki/bin/view/Main/NeuesProjekt (page-content in German) I just found it through google, I have no further information on this. You may also google for Ulrich Radig.He made a bootloader for LPC2294 which boots ucLinux but the Bootloader itself is for "bare metal" and maybe you can reuse parts of the bootloader-code.
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