
Forum: ARM programming with GCC/GNU tools Error when reading FIO1PIN on LPC23xx

von Alfredo C. (tequilaguru)

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I build my own toolchain, but I ran into a problem, both when using the 
toolchain on cygwin and mingw (tried building both, same error).

Basically the toolchain works fine, but when I debug using 
Openocd+arm-elf-gdb. I can't read FIO1PIN or FIO1XXX for that matter 
without having the value of those registers corrupted. I can read and 
write any other register without a problem, and the code interacts with 
those registers just fine.

The problem arises when reading the registers using the the debugger. No 
matter if I use the GUI like "add to watch" in insight or eclipse, this 
also happens if I try to read the memory area using eclipse or insight 
memory view. Or in the gdb console using "monitor mdw FIO1PIN".

I am using gcc 4.4.2, gdb 7, newlib 1.17 and insight 7. This also 
happens if I switch my toolchain to YAGARTO. Has anyone run into this 
issue before?. Can anyone reproduce this?.

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