I understand the basic issues involved with C-to-Assembly interfacing,
but I'm stumped by how varags is handled in Assembly, say for an ioctl()
handling routine.
1 | extern int ioctl(int driverenum, unsigned long requestenum, ...);
2 |
3 | int test_ioctl() {
4 | ioctl(1,2,3,4,5,6);
5 | return 1;
6 | }
gcc -fomit-frame-pointer is used when compiling to give the following
ARM assembly output:
1 | .file "ioctl.c"
2 | .text
3 | .align 2
4 | .global test_ioctl
5 | .type test_ioctl, %function
6 | test_ioctl:
7 | @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0
8 | @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0
9 | str lr, [sp, #-4]!
10 | sub sp, sp, #8
11 | mov r3, #5
12 | str r3, [sp, #0]
13 | mov r3, #6
14 | str r3, [sp, #4]
15 | mov r0, #1
16 | mov r1, #2
17 | mov r2, #3
18 | mov r3, #4
19 | bl ioctl
20 | mov r3, #1
21 | mov r0, r3
22 | add sp, sp, #8
23 | ldmfd sp!, {pc}
24 | .size test_ioctl, .-test_ioctl
25 | .ident "GCC: (GNU) 4.4.1"
My question is, how can I determine the number of varargs? Is that a
limitation of using -fomit-frame-pointer? If I don't specify
'-fomit-frame-pointer', I can deduce the number of varargs which spilled
onto the stack using the difference between fp and sp, but I don't see
how that can be done for the following:
1. The number of varargs fits within r0-r3
2. -fomit-frame-pointer is used (which is normally the case)