WE ARE USING ATMEGA8L FOR PROGRAMMING ON READY MADE PCB. WE ARE GETTING AN ERROR WHILE LOADING THE PROGRAM AS : > "make.exe" program avrdude -p atmega8 -P com1 -c ponyser -U flash:w:main.hex avrdude: AVR device not responding avrdude: initialization failed, rc=-1 Double check connections and try again, or use -F to override this check. avrdude done. Thank you. make.exe: *** [program] Error 1 > Process Exit Code: 2 > Time Taken: 00:01 WE HAVE BEEN DEALIN WITH THE FUSE AND OTHER SETTINGS TO RUN THE PROGRAM BUT ALL IN VEIN! ITS VERY SURPRIZING THAT ITS SHOWING THE SAME ERROR EVEN WITHOUT THE POWER SUPPLY plz suggest sumthin. OUR MAKEFILE IS AS GIVEN BELOW:
Wrong port? Or maybe wrong baudrate? (and please, do not write uppercase, thanks).
You checked, if your uC is broken? Self made PCB? if yes then check the lines for hairline crackes. lukas
we are dealing with ready made pcb and we tried on 2 microcontrollers,its a new microcontroller. we are using lAN to RS232 serial cable, and baudrate is 9600.
that will propably not work! Assuming you're using a "cheap" bitbanging programmer (ponyser), that will require a "real" serial-port. There are several cheap USB programmers out there. http://www.fischl.de/usbasp/ best regards kaffeetas
Use the http://www.fischl.de/usbasp/ They improved its hardware so there are two speed option. AVR devices oscillator is 1MHZ factory set, so set the programmer hardware to low speed mode. once you program for above 8MHZ, then you can use high speed mode. If your hardware default setting is high speed mode, then AVR device not respond.
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