Hi, I am trying to use the WinARM (WinARM-20070505) for LPC2378. I took the example "C:\WinARM\examples\lpc2378_demo1" and try to add a dummy code to just blink LED's. But, I am getting some linker errors. So to single out the problem, I have only main.c and startup.S and removed all other files from the makefile. Even in the main.c I have removed all the other code and just have a while(1) loop to blink the LED's. With this again the same error happens (as mentioned below). Any suggestions are welcome. -------- begin (mode: ROM_RUN) -------- arm-elf-gcc (GCC) 4.1.2 (WinARM 4/2007) Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Assembling (ARM-only): Startup.S arm-elf-gcc -c -mcpu=arm7tdmi-s -I. -x assembler-with-cpp -DROM_RUN -D__WinARM__ -D__WINARMSUBMDL_LPC2378__ -Wa,-adhlns=Startup.lst,-gdwarf-2 Startup.S -o Startup.o Compiling C: main.c arm-elf-gcc -c -mcpu=arm7tdmi-s -I. -gdwarf-2 -DROM_RUN -D__WinARM__ -D__WINARMSUBMDL_LPC2378__ -Os -Wall -Wcast-align -Wimplicit -Wpointer-arith -Wswitch -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Wredundant-decls -Wreturn-type -Wshadow -Wunused -Wa,-adhlns=main.lst -ICommon/inc -Wcast-qual -MD -MP -MF .dep/main.o.d -Wnested-externs -std=gnu99 -Wmissing-prototypes -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations main.c -o main.o Linking: main.elf arm-elf-gcc -mcpu=arm7tdmi-s -I. -gdwarf-2 -DROM_RUN -D__WinARM__ -D__WINARMSUBMDL_LPC2378__ -Os -Wall -Wcast-align -Wimplicit -Wpointer-arith -Wswitch -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Wredundant-decls -Wreturn-type -Wshadow -Wunused -Wa,-adhlns=Startup.lst -ICommon/inc -Wcast-qual -MD -MP -MF .dep/main.elf.d Startup.o main.o --output main.elf -nostartfiles -Wl,-Map=main.map,--cref,--gc-sections -lc -lm -lc -lgcc -T.//LPC2378-ROM.ld c:/winarm/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-elf/4.1.2/../../../../arm-elf/bin/ld.exe: address 0x700 of main.elf section .stack is not within region RAM collect2: ld returned 1 exit status make.exe: *** [main.elf] Error 1 > Process Exit Code: 2 > Time Taken: 00:01 With best regards, Phani.
There should be something wrong with your link script. Attach your code and link script, then people can help you
Hi, The linker script is attached. Also the main.c, main() is as follows. Still not clear what may be missing. /* "Epsilon" LPC2378 Demo by Martin Thomas, Kaiserslautern, Germany http://www.siwawi.arubi.uni-kl.de/avr_projects/arm_projects Target: LPC2378 Board: Olimex LPC-2378-STK Compiler: GNU arm-elf or arm-eabi toolchain (tested with WinARM 6/06) Partly based on drivers from the NXP LPC23xx & 24xx example-collection available from www.nxp.com. */ #define VERSION_STRING "0.3 beta^2 mthomas, KL, .de" #include "LPC23xx.h" #include "type.h" #include "irq.h" #include "target.h" #include "timer.h" #include "fio.h" #include "uart.h" // LED1 (MCIPWR on Olimex LPC-2378-STK has an indicator LED) #define LED1_FIOPIN FIO0PIN #define LED1_FIOSET FIO0SET #define LED1_FIOCLR FIO0CLR #define LED1_MASK (1UL<<21) #define INBUF_SIZE 0x80 #define UART_NUM 0 #define NEXTLINE "\r\n" #define ENTERKEY '\r' static const char welcome[] = NEXTLINE "Welcome to the WinARM LPC2378 Demo#1 \"Epsilon\"" NEXTLINE; static const char version[] = "Version "VERSION_STRING NEXTLINE; static void time_waste( unsigned int dv ) { volatile unsigned int cnt; for ( cnt=0; cnt<dv ; cnt++ ) { ; } } int main (void) { //Code added by Phani unsigned int u32counter = 0 ; FIO2DIR = 0x000000FF; /* P2.0..7 defined as Outputs */ FIO2CLR = 0x000000FF; /* turn off all the LEDs */ time_waste( 0x00090000 ); FIO2CLR = 0x000000FF; //#ifdef NOT_POSSIBLE_TO_COMPILE while(1) { FIO2CLR = 0x000000FF; FIO2SET = 1 << u32counter; u32counter++; time_waste( 0x00090000 ); if ( u32counter > 8 ) { u32counter = 0; } } //#endif //Till here return 0; }
Startup.S is also needed. i don't know how section .stack is assigned.
Hi, Startup file is attached. With best regards, Phani.
I found where the error comes from: In your linker script, the lines below hide a mistake: . = ALIGN(4); _bss_end_ = . ; PROVIDE (__bss_end = .); .stack ALIGN(256) : { *(.stack) *(.STACK) PROVIDE (_stack = .); . = ALIGN(4); } > RAM I imagine that you want the .stack section to be 256 bytes aligned in the RAM region, but the line ".stack ALIGN(256)" will set .stack to address 0x700 , and obviously this address is not within RAM region You should do like this: . = ALIGN(4); _bss_end_ = . ; PROVIDE (__bss_end = .); . = ALIGN(256); .stack : { *(.stack) *(.STACK) PROVIDE (_stack = .); . = ALIGN(4); } > RAM
Hello there, I had the same problem and the solution presented worked just fine. Thanks!
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